Meeting called to order – 8:05pm
Tim Eckard (acting chair), Larry Ingersoll, Amber Quick, Leroy Quick
Administrative reports
Old Business
- Board in need of an ETJ board member. If you know anyone who lives in the ETJ and may want to serve, please let them know of this opportunity
- Need to elect a Chair – will wait for full board to formally elect a chair, until then, does anyone want to be chair?
New Business
- Request from Village Council to make recommendations regarding the regulation of short term rentals
- Tim Eckard drafted rationale for the need to regulate short term rentals based on Village vision statement, market trends suggesting an increase in STRs is likely, in a series of bulleted statements and a draft of a preamble that the Village Council could consider using in any future actions to regulate STRs. He also drafted proposed actions the Village Council could take to regulate STRS, including allowing them in some zoning areas and prohibiting them in others, classifying them as a commercial-use activity, and providing a 12-month amortization period for existing STRs in proposed prohibited zones to cease rental activity, These drafted documents were shared with all members of the planning board.
- Discussion around the need to regulate STRs was held, as well as the specific recommendations presented by Tim Eckard
- PB member Amber Quick proposed a vote to send the drafted rationale, recommend actions, and drafted preamble to the Village Council to consider for the regulation of STRs in the Village. Larry Ingersoll seconded the motion to vote.
- The vote was 4-0 in favor of sending the rationale, recommended actions, and preamble documents to Mayor Wallace and all members of the Village Council via email.
Public comment
Village of Forest Hills resident Judith Lambert stated that she and her spouse have been woken up multiple times by visitors to the AirBnb at 1483 S. Country Club and that it is generally disruptive to them where they live across the street. She stated there are frequently dogs and guests making a lot of noise on the outdoor patio at 1483 S Country Club. She would like to see short-term rentals prohibited in the village and the shortest allowable grace period for the current short term rentals to stop operating.
Meeting adjourned 8:52pm