July 2022

Village of Forest Hills Council Meeting
Tuesday, July 05, 2022 – 7:00 pm
Forest Hills Assembly Hall, Cullowhee NC


The following members of the Council were present:

Mayor Jim Wallace

Councilmember Nilofer Couture

Councilmember Ron Yount

Councilmember Marcia Almond

The following members of the Council were absent:

Councilmember Daniel Shields

The following non-Council members were Present:

Stephanie Gibson, Clerk

Rick Cardona, Planning Board

Jack Brown, Village resident

  1. Call to order: at 7:00pm Mayor Wallace called the meeting to order. 

     2.  Announcements:

Reminder – Please silence cell phones for meeting 

     3.  Approval of Agenda: Councilmember Yount made a motion to approve the agenda, Councilmember Almond seconded the motion, unanimously approved. 

     4.  Approval of Meeting Minutes for June 07, 2022, Regular Council Meeting:(All meeting minutes are posted on the Forest Hills website once approved.) Councilmember Couture made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for June 07, 2022, Councilmember Almond seconded the motion, unanimously approved. 

     5.  Acceptance of Financial Report & Checklist for the month of June 07, 2022: (All financial reports are posted on the Forest Hills website once approved.) Councilmember Yount made a motion to accept the financial report, Councilmember Almond seconded the motion, unanimously approved. 

Stephanie asked for a motion to reclass funds for Patrol in the amount of $70, and $80 for membership and dues from Notices, Ads and to reclass funds for office/administrative in the amount of $2100 from Street Maintenance, Non-Powell to align budget items for the fiscal year end.  Councilmember Couture made a motion to reclass funds for the three-line items needed, Councilmember Yount seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

     6.  Public Comments: None 

     7.  Reports: 

Mayor’s Report: Jim Wallace – Mayor Wallace mentioned that he would like to see about getting quotes to have the non-state-maintained roads sealed next year and thought quotes should be obtained soon if the council approves.  Council recommended trying to obtain three quotes to review the cost.

Roads: Ron Yount - He said the roads were in good shape and the trees that were previously in the road have been removed.  He mentioned one tree that may need to be taken down in the fall that is dying.  Councilmember Yount mentioned the sign for Symphony Lane is missing and the NCC sign at the entrance has not been replaced yet by BH Graning. Stephanie will order a new sign and call and ask about the NCC sign installation.

RPO/TAC: Marcia Almond – Councilmember Almond said there has not been a meeting since her last report.  She mentioned that the RPO will be having a dinner on 7-25 and the Village Council is invited to attend.

Councilmember Almond asked about Village residents having Optimum internet access, she said that anyone who does not have access to the internet if they would like it, can submit their name and address and she will turn the list in to Optimum since they are supposed to have the internet accessible to anyone paying Western Carolina Power.  She said they can call 888-855-9036 to see if it is available to them.  She recommended sending a letter to residents.  Stephanie will draft a letter and send to residents.

Planning Board: Rick Cardona discussed the need for 4 new members, he said he had one person interested, her name is Stephanie Rankin.  Councilmember Almond made a motion to nominate Stephanie to the Planning Board, Councilmember Couture seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

Rick said that he would like to know why the Future Land Use Map has not been removed since the current Mayor and Council voted against mixed-use.  Councilmember Almond told him we cannot remove it; it can be archived but one is needed to replace it if it is removed.  Rick said that he would contact the School of Government to check on the requirements.

Village Safety: Nilofer Couture – Councilmember Couture said that the village was patrolled a total of 40 hrs. for the month and there were 14 calls, one for drag racing, 4 from the University Inn, and several from Prospect and SCC Drive.

  1.  Unfinished Business:  
  • Update on Municipal Grant:  Stephanie noted that the Village did receive the Municipal Grant in the amount of $4500 to improve landscaping at the entrance.
  • Planning Board meeting/member status: Councilmember Almond asked Councilmembers and the Mayor to ask friends or neighbors who might be interested.
  • VFH SW Corner Property:  Councilmember Almond said the contract has been signed by the Village, but she hasn’t heard back on closing the purchase of the parcels purchased from the Dillards, she will follow up.
  • Discussion of entrance work not covered by the Municipal Grant:  Councilmembers discussed the work on the left side of the entrance quoted by BH Graning and said that we needed to get two additional quotes for the work, if possible, for the work not covered by the grant since the amount is over $5K. 
  • Village Social:  Council discussed having the social on 8-14 but since some were not going to be in town, it was decided to have the social on August 7th from 2:00-5:00pm.  Council discussed the budget and Councilmember Yount made a motion to approve a budget up to $500, Councilmember Couture seconded the motion, unanimously approved. 
  1. New Business: 
  2. Adjourn: At 9:00pm, Councilmember Almond made a motion to adjourn, Councilmember Yount seconded the motion, unanimously approved.