February 2013



February 05, 2013

The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held on February 05, 2013 in the meeting room at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 6:00pm.

The following members of the Council were present:

Jim Wallace, Mayor

Carl Hooper

Clark Corwin

Suzanne Stone

Ron Mau

The following Non-Council members were present:

David Moore, Village Attorney

Stephanie Gibson, Village Clerk/Finance Officer

Quinton Ellison, Sylva Herald

Residents:  Steve Brown

(1)  Call to order: 6:00pm by Mayor Jim Wallace

(2)  Vote on Agenda: Councilman Hooper made a motion to approve the agenda and Councilman Mau seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

(3)  Approval of meeting minutes from January 08, 2013 Council meeting:  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Councilman Corwin, seconded by Councilman Hooper, unanimously approved.  (Approved meeting minutes are posted on the Village website.)

 (4)  Financial Reports:

a)      Stephanie Gibson provided the Financial Reports that were handed out.  The budget for January included $33,076.14 in revenues from ad valorem taxes, interest, and sales tax and expenditures of $1,342.54 for police protection, utilities, attorney fees, snow removal and Clerk fee.   Motion to accept the financial report was made by Councilman Corwin, seconded by Councilman Hooper, unanimously approved.

b)      Stephanie Gibson provided a report from the Jackson County Tax Collector that highlighted the delinquent taxes owed to the Village.  The outstanding tax total was $6,047.71.


 (5)  Duke Energy Rate Case:  The League of Municipalities has asked incorporated governmental units to support a joint proposal to decrease proposed rate increases by Progress and Duke Energy Power Companies.  There is a $100.00 fee requested for joining.  Councilman Corwin made a motion to support this case, Councilman Hooper seconded, unanimously approved.

 (6) Economic Development Committee:  Mayor Wallace said that the Economic Development Board would like to dissolve and asked that any involved parties support their decision and relinquish any seats on the EDC.  All council members were in favor.

(7)  New Business:

 a)  Councilwoman Stone asked if anyone attended the CURVE meeting.  She provided copies of a petition asking commissioners to establish a Cullowhee Community Planning Council.  Councilwoman Stone made a motion to move forward with a letter of support, Councilman Corwin, seconded, unanimously approved.

Councilman Corwin mentioned that the planning district had acreage requirements of at least 640 acres and WCU is not currently on board.

b)  Vickie Wade sent information regarding a continuing education workshop being held for council members on March 7 in Asheville.  Council discussed the training and agreed that the Village should pay for Councilman Mau to attend the workshop if possible since he was a new member.

(8)  Old Business:  None

(9)  Public Comment:  Steve shared that he was pleased with previous discussions about addressing the road conditions where he is a resident, on Cave Springs Road.  He mentioned that he would like to have the road looked at; he said it needs to be scraped and have gravel.  Councilman Hooper asked about the gravel that was put on the road last year and Steve said that it was gone due to the rain and recent bad weather.  

(8)  Closed Session:  At 6:30pm Councilman Corwin made a motion that council go into closed session, Councilwoman Stone seconded, unanimously approved.  At 7:20pm, council ended the closed session and returned to open session. 

Immediately upon returning to open session, Mayor Wallace called for a motion to adjourn; motion was made by Councilman Hooper, seconded by Councilman Corwin, unanimously approved.