May 2013



May 07, 2013

The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held on May 07, 2013 in the meeting room at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 6:00pm.

The following members of the Council were present:

Jim Wallace, Mayor

Carl Hooper

Clark Corwin

Suzanne Stone

The following Non-Council members were present:

Stephanie Gibson, Village Clerk

Rick Cardona, Planning Board Member to be sworn in

Quinton Ellison, Sylva Herald

 (1)  Call to order: 6:00pm by Mayor Jim Wallace

 (2)  Vote on Agenda: Councilman Corwin made a motion to approve the agenda and Councilman Hooper seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

 (3)  Approval of meeting minutes from April 02, 2013 Council meeting:  Councilman Corwin made a motion to approve the minutes, Councilman Hooper seconded, unanimously approved.  (Approved meeting minutes are posted on the Village website.)

 (4)  Financial Reports:

a)      Stephanie Gibson provided the Financial Reports.  The budget for April included $1,452.46 in revenues from interest, sales tax, and Ad Valorem Taxes and expenditures of $2,282.61 for police protection, attorney fees, street maintenance, entrance operating, and clerk fee.   Motion to accept the financial report was made by Councilman Corwin, seconded by Councilman Hooper, unanimously approved.

(5)  Swearing in of Rick Cardona as a Planning Board Member:  Clerk of Court, Ann Melton, conducting the swearing in of Rick Cardona as a Planning Board Member.

(6)  Future Meeting Changes:  May 7, June 4, and July 2 the Village Council will meet in the Jackson County Rec. Center Kitchen.  Councilwoman Stone noted that she will not be able to attend the meeting on July 2.  Also, if it is anticipated that a larger meeting space will be needed, contact Jeff Carpenter in advance to get a larger room.

(7)  Recognition of former Mayor Jim Davis’ Service:  Council voted and it was decided that a letter in recognition of the former Mayors, Jim Davis, and Irene Hooper’s service would be sent.

(8)  Village Road Repairs (1997 Village Platt):  Mayor Wallace said that there is a drainage problem on Cave’s Spring Road.  After years of scraping, they are now sloping and causing the road to wash onto other properties.  He feels we need to get more gravel and repair.  Councilman Hooper said that Tim Green can repair the road without more gravel as well as repair the culvert.  Mayor Wallace asked if twice a year scraping is sufficient and Councilman Hooper said that it was stretching it but he thought that it would work. 

(9)  Mulch for Village Entrance:  Mayor Wallace said that the price he was given was $1200 to mulch with Pine Bark and $600 with Pine Straw.  Councilman Hooper said that he was given a price of $40. /yd. for blowing in mulch.  Council decided to check other prices and table the decision until the next meeting.

(10)  Valley

         a)  Chris Green by JWW – Developer Chris Green sent an email late last month to Forest Hills officials to discuss possible development of the 69-acre tract that was the former golf-course property in Forest Hills.  Green said that he wants to work with the village any way he can to improve the community and reach his financial obligations. 

Any development that takes place must meet the guidelines.  The zoning regulations in Forest Hills call for single-family dwellings built on two acre lots.  Other potential uses under the regulations could be public parks, greenways, golf courses, and playgrounds.  Green said he is exploring several options.

Mayor Wallace said his perception is that Green wants to be a good neighbor so he doesn’t catch flak.  The council did not have suggestions about what Green might do with the property.

         b)  Discuss details of bidding for road scraping, drainage ditch cleaning, roadside trimming, etc.

Mayor Wallace said he would prefer to have one person to do road scraping and one person to do ditch cleaning, etc.

Attorney Moore asked if the Planning Board is not going to be responsible for road maintenance outside contract commitments.  He noted that data is needed from the Planning Board to consider next year’s budget.  Recommendations for improvements need to come from the Planning Board to the Council.  Mayor Wallace said that next year’s budget will have to be determined without data from the Planning Board.  Attorney Moore said that we can go on previous expenditures and make amendments as necessary.  The Planning Board has been charged with the Mission, Vision, and Infrastructure.

 (11)  New Business:  Councilman Corwin asked if the village is at risk for fire due to the trees and brush.  He said that the Fire Department could make an assessment.  It was decided that Councilman Corwin would contact Tim Green to discuss this issue.

(12)  Old Business:  Councilwoman Stone said that they have had positive feedback on the traffic mirror installed.

Planning Board Member, Rick Cardona, asked about zoning for the owner of the previous golf-course property and whether or not ordinances can be changed.  Mayor Wallace said that it has to be voted on and then a public hearing is held, the approval is a 2-3 month process.

(13)  Public Comment:  None

(14)  Adjourn:  At 7:25pm Mayor Wallace called for a motion to adjourn, motion was made by Councilman Hooper, seconded by Councilwoman Stone, unanimously approved.