June 2013
June 04, 2013
The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held on June 04, 2013 in the meeting room at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 6:00pm.
The following members of the Council were present:
Carl Hooper
Clark Corwin
Suzanne Stone
The following Non-Council members were present:
Stephanie Gibson, Village Clerk
David Moore, Village Attorney
Quinton Ellison, Sylva Herald
(1) Call to order: 6:00pm by Councilman Clark Corwin
(2) Vote on Agenda: Councilwoman Stone made a motion to approve the agenda; nobody seconded the motion so the Agenda was not approved.
(3) Approval of meeting minutes from May 07, 2013 Council meeting: Councilwoman Stone made a motion to approve the minutes, Councilman Hooper seconded, unanimously approved. (Approved meeting minutes are posted on the Village website.)
(4) Financial Reports: Stephanie Gibson provided the Financial Reports. The budget for May included $6,092.72 in revenues from interest, sales tax, and Ad Valorem Taxes and expenditures of $2,875.50 for notices/ads, attorney fees, entrance operating, and clerk fee. Motion to accept the financial report was made by Councilwoman Stone, seconded by Councilman Hooper, unanimously approved.
(5) Public Hearing on the 2013-2014 Budget for the Village of Forest Hills: There were no public comments on the proposed budget for 2013-2014.
(6) Vote for the 2013-2014 Budget for the Village of Forest Hills: Councilman Hooper made a motion to accept the budget for 2013-2014; Councilwoman Stone seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
(7) New Business:
a) Mayor Pro Tempore: Councilman Corwin mentioned that a Mayor Pro Tempore needed to be appointed. Councilwoman Stone said the council needed to wait until Mayor Wallace and Councilman Mau were present.
b) Chris Green Property: Councilman Corwin wanted to discuss updates on the property and proposal of Chris Green. Councilman Corwin said that he had a meeting with the County manager, Chuck Wooten, and he asked Mr. Wooten for any guidance on responding to Mr. Green’s correspondence and was advised to wait on Mr. Green.
c) Notice of Village Meetings: Councilman Corwin mentioned putting up notices at the Recreation Center for the Council and Planning Board meetings. Councilwoman Stone suggested getting the WCU Print Shop to print announcements if it was decided to post them. No decision was reached regarding notices.
(8) Old Business:
(9) Public Comment:
(10) Adjourn: At 6:35pm Councilman Corwin called for a motion to adjourn, motion was made by Councilwoman Stone, seconded by Councilman Hooper, unanimously approved.