March 2013



March 05, 2013

The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held on March 05, 2013 in the meeting room at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 6:00pm.

The following members of the Council were present:

Jim Wallace, Mayor

Carl Hooper

Clark Corwin

Suzanne Stone

Ron Mau

The following Non-Council members were present:

David Moore, Village Attorney

Stephanie Gibson, Village Clerk/Finance Officer

Quinton Ellison, Sylva Herald

 (1)  Call to order: 6:00pm by Mayor Jim Wallace

 (2)  Vote on Agenda: Councilman Corwin made a motion to approve the agenda and Councilman Hooper seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

 (3)  Approval of meeting minutes from February 05, 2013 Council meeting:  Councilman Corwin noted that the minutes need to reflect when the council came back into open session. A motion to approve the minutes as corrected was made by Councilman Hooper, seconded by Councilman Corwin, unanimously approved.  (Approved meeting minutes are posted on the Village website.)

 (4)  Financial Reports:

a)      Stephanie Gibson provided the Financial Reports that were handed out.  The budget for January included $1,063.78 in revenues from interest, franchise and sales tax and expenditures of $2,925.03 for police protection, advertisements, attorney fees, snow removal and Clerk fee.   Motion to accept the financial report was made by Councilman Mau, seconded by Councilman Hooper, unanimously approved.

Stephanie noted that the uncategorized expenses were to pay Full Spectrum Farms for a traffic mirror, Wes Stone for reimbursement of purchasing a traffic mirror post, and NC League to pay the $100. fee to be a part of the Duke Rate Case.

Mayor Wallace asked if the fee for snow removal and cleaning of debris and drainages was paid for from the Powell Funds since that was an eligible expense.  Stephanie said that $350. of the snow removal was paid for from Powell Funds that is the maximum allowance for that service to be paid from Powell Funds.  The cleaning of debris and drainages is also an expense that is payable through Powell Funds.  

(5)  New Business:  Councilwoman Hooper said that we need to set a budget committee since it is March and we need to get started on the budget for the next fiscal year.  Councilman Mau and Councilman Hooper agreed to be on the budget committee in addition to the finance officer.  A motion was made by Councilman Corwin, seconded by Councilwoman Stone to approve the new budget committee, unanimously approved.

(6)  Old Business

a)  Councilman Corwin asked Mayor Wallace about the status of the Planning Committee.  Mayor Wallace said that the committee had their first meeting two weeks ago.  Jayne Buchanan volunteered to be the Secretary which was approved by the committee.  The members present were Todd Collins, Kent Briggs, Janie Prentice, and Jayne Buchanan.  Carol Martin-Vegue was out of town, Ken Dickert had to work, and Dawne Gilchrist-Young was sick.  Mayor Wallace said when the meeting was organized and he left, nobody had volunteered to chair the meeting.  Mayor Wallace said that Jayne called him today and said that Todd Collins and Kent Briggs had agreed to co-chair the committee.  Jayne also said that Dawn Gilchrist-Young had resigned because she will be moving.  Council asked that there be a post on the website asking for anyone interested in being on the Planning Committee to email Stephanie within two weeks.  The Planning Board will have their next meeting on March 18; they meet the third Monday of each month.

b)  Mayor Wallace asked if the council wanted to move forward with clearing the area around the entrance.  Councilman Hooper suggested that the entrance be left as it is for now.  Councilman Corwin asked if B.H. Graning had updated the lighting and Mayor Wallace said he has not, he will call Ben and check the status.

(7)  Public Comment:  None

(8)  Adjourn:  At 6:20pm Mayor Wallace called for a motion to adjourn, motion was made by Councilwoman Stone, seconded by Councilman Corwin, unanimously approved.