June 2021

Village of Forest Hills
Council Meeting
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 – 7:00 pm
Forest Hills Assembly Hall, Cullowhee NC


The following members of the Council were present:

Councilmember Marcia Almond

Councilmember Nilofer Couture

Councilmember Ron Yount


The following members of the Council were absent:

Mayor Jim Wallace

Councilmember Jerry Rice, III


The following Non-Council members were Present:

Stephanie Gibson, Clerk


  1. Call to order:  at 7:00pm Mayor Pro Tem Almond called the meeting to order.  
  1. Announcements: 

ReminderPlease silence cell phones for meeting 

  1. Approval of Agenda: Councilmember Yount made a motion to approve the agenda, Councilmember Couture seconded the motion, unanimously approved. 
  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes for May 4, 2021 Regular Council Meeting: (All meeting minutes are posted on the Forest Hills website once approved.) Councilmember Yount made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for May 4, 2021, Councilmember Couture seconded the motion, unanimously approved. 
  1. Acceptance of Financial Report & Checklist for the month of May 2021: (All financial reports are posted on the Forest Hills website once approved.)  Councilmember Yont made a motion to accept the financial report, Councilmember Couture seconded the motion, unanimously approved.  
  1. Public Hearing/Budget Review:  Stephanie provided copies of the proposed budget for fiscal year 21-22 prepared by Budget Committee: (Kolleen Begley & Stephanie Gibson).  Council reviewed budget and Councilmember Couture made a motion to approve the proposed budget for fiscal year 21-22, Councilmember Yount seconded the motion, unanimously approved.  (No public was present at the meeting) 
  1. Public Comments:  None 
  1. Reports:  

Mayor’s Report:  Jim Wallace – Mayor Wallace was out of town 

Roads:  Jerry Rice – Councilmember Rice was absent 

RPO/TAC:  Marcia Almond – Councilmember Almond said she had received some information from the NCPRO - Pandemic Recovery Office that discussed potential funding available and gave Stephanie a checklist of items to look into to see if the Village might be eligible to receive some funding for a wastewater project. 

Planning Board:  

Village Safety:  Nilofer Couture – Councilmember Couture said that officers patrolled for the month.  She said that numerous 911 calls were on the report and noted that many of them came from North Country Club Dr. and were in connection with rentals and the University Inn as well as some in relation to parties at the Summit and Prospect. 

  1. New Business: 

 Vacant Council seat:  Councilmember Almond said that Councilmember Rice submitted his resignation, Council discussed a couple of residents that may be interested, and Councilmember Almond will follow up with them.

 Elections: (Registration for Mayor and two Council members):  Stephanie said that anyone interested in the Mayor or Councilmember vacancies needs to register at the Board of Elections between 7-2-21 and 7-16-21 and pay a $5.00 fee.

   10. Unfinished Business: 

  • Discussion of SB 349/HB 401:  Marcia Almond – Councilmember Almond said the proposed bill had been tabled for now. 
  • Discussion of Assembly Hall being named for former Mayor & resident, Irene Hooper and plaque with all Mayors names:  Councilmembers discussed and ask Stephanie to get a plaque for outside the door at the Assembly Hall and a plaque for Irene and one with all former Mayors on it for inside the Assembly Hall at All American Awards. 
  • Council and Mayor Compensation:  Councilmember Couture made a motion to raise the monthly compensation for Council members to $50/mth. and the Mayor’s compensation to $100/mth. for fiscal year 21-22, Councilmember Yount seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

    11.  Additional Public Comments:  None 

    12.  Adjourn:  At 8:00pm, Councilmember Yount made a motion to adjourn, Councilmember Couture seconded the motion, unanimously approved.