Forest Hills Planning Board 2-18-02

Village of Forest Hills

Planning Board Minutes

February 18, 2002


Present:  Ann Chambers, Michael Germano, Sally James, Larry Kolenbrander, Ian Pritchard, David Shapiro, Gene Tweedy.


The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Kolenbrander.  Minutes from the December 17, 2001 and January 20, 2002 minutes were approved unanimously.


Kolenbrander suggested that we prepare new Planning Board (PB) members with the type of introduction and materials packet provided last month.  PB members do not need to be sworn in because they are advisory to the Village Council.


Village Council has requested that the PB complete the following by April 15, 2002:  Complete revisions on subdivision regulations and proposed planning unit development (PUD) Ordinance, develop and review new zoning ordinance, develop new zoning map including ETJ area. 


Kolenbrander suggested that tonight's meeting be devoted to deciding which zones we want Willet to attend to.  Single-family zones are the most restrictive.  Now R1 is residential homes (stick built and modular), R2 is manufactured homes.  The PB needs to consider what it will allow and suggest restrictions accordingly.  The increasing R-number often goes from most to least restrictive.  Relevant questions include lot size and what type of construction will be permitted on it. 


Germano indicated a concern that what is on paper does not represent the best interest of the ETJ.  The documents were developed before ETJ.  He indicated a hope to preserve the character of the ETJ neighborhoods as they currently stand.  James interpreted that Germano is looking for R1; Germano clarified that he is looking for single family, residential dwellings on smaller lot size.  Such documentation is critical in the event of deterioration or destruction of a current dwelling; by what standard should the dwelling be replaced?  Of particular concern is what will happen in the future with the Wilson property.  At present, there are five neighboring properties of approximately one acre each; residents in ETJ wish to maintain one acre plots for single family residential use, rather than have an apartment building built at a later time.


Kolenbrander will talk with Willet about multiple categories of residential housing with varying densities; manufactured/mobile units; and commercial/motel.  Pritchard suggested that multifamily dwellings could be additionally restricted by requiring a long-term lease.  He indicated the WCU is essentially renting rooms for a 10-month lease.  Tweedy questioned that if a home should burn, would it need to meet the provisions of the current regulations (i.e., at the time of the building destruction).  Kolenbrander clarified that even if the existing lot is 1/2 acre, the home could be rebuilt as long as it meets all setback requirements (i.e., not requiring a variance).  Any lot that was platted before zoning ordinances were designed should be exempt from the literal interpretation of the existing ordinance, or at least eligible for a more flexible interpretation, so as to permit reasonable construction. 


Kolenbrander reported that there has been discussion about upgrading where North and South Country Club Drives meet to achieve a better walking trail, but not up to drivable standards.  At present all entrances/exits will use 107 as primary access, rather than developing roads that will go over the mountain.  Land in upper levels is not conducive to large development, due to challenge of access.  Germano asked the PB to clarify what type of commercial development the village would permit, and to approach potential developers rather than wait for them to approach us.  Pritchard questioned if we have adequate restrictions for manufactured housing; Kolenbrander clarified that indeed we do.


Kolenbrander reviewed the village map and summarized a potential intended use for each location.  He projected that we will need to do a final review on the new subdivision ordinance and PUD regulations at the next meeting on March 5.


The following dates were decided for PB meetings:  March 5 (Tuesday), March 18 (Monday, regular meeting), April 2 (Tuesday), April 15 (Monday, regular meeting).


No further business was discussed.  Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.


Submitted by,


David Shapiro