December 2010



The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held in the meeting room at the Jackson County Recreation Facility on 12.07.2010.  6:00pm

Board Members in Attendance:  Clark Corwin, Carl Hooper, Suzanne Stone, Mayor Jim Wallace

Absent: Gene Tweedy

Non Board Members in Attendance:  Kolleen Begley; Financial Officer, Tammy Tawney; Clerk

1:  Financial Report: Kolleen Begley

Payments to include: Police Protection, Dues membership (League of Municipalities), Audit.  (Moved Carl Hooper, second Suzanne Stone, motion passed) 6:15pm

2:  Audit: Bronwyn Burleson

Significant estimates included in financial statement include village entrance renovation (capitalized and depreciated over time) and less significant is a small balance for uncollectable taxes.

No difficulties or disagreements noted in audit.

 The council oversees financial statement with one volunteer who gives monthly reports looking at monthly detail to council,versus finance committee oversight in larger municipalities.

Financial Statements: Narratives and summery can be found as well as detailed financial statements (profit and loss categories, operating and contributions, balance sheet and income statement).

Fiduciary responsibilities should be understood among council members and adopted policies and procedures should be put in place for fiduciary responsibilities.

There have been no changes to the information supplied earlier (sent to Finance Officer) for the AFIR report.

Mary Jean Herzog and Morris Phillips: CuRvE

There is consideration on working with the DOT to change signage on I40 and 74 to reflect Cullowhee on the exit.

The Cullowhee café has offered to allow use of space for a monthly meeting CuRvE meeting.  

Mary Jean Herzog believes that WCU is close in initiating a process toward annexation. 

She maintains that CuRvE’sinterest has always been revitalizing the business district and creating a quality of life for Cullowhee residents. 

Planning Board Report Ordinance for Occupancy Changes:  Clark Corwin

There is continued discussion of occupancy limits from 4- 2 persons with the allowance of provisional permits to be determined as petitioned.This was discussed at the recent planning board meeting.  Gerald Green planner for Jackson County was in attendance. 

Audience discussion ensues on the restrictiveness of the measure taking away the rights of homeowners.

Mayor Wallace suggests that another meeting might be held to once again hear the input of the residents. 

Clark Corwin motions that a public meeting be held to decide the zoning ordinance for occupancy changes from 4-2 persons in February.   Carl Hooper seconds, motion passed. 7:08pm

Changes in landfills/transfer stations Jackson County

A letter will be required from the Village of Forest Hills regarding the acceptance of the changes for banning electronics deposits at transfer stations.

Motion made by Carl Hooper to adopt Jackson County landfill ordinances and partner with them on an electronics recycling program.  Motion seconded by Clark Corwin, passed. 7:25pm

List of Requirements for Maintaining Village Entrance

Itemized list of work requirements:  Mowing, Spraying, Trimming Trees and Bushes, Mulch and Mulch Removal, Fertilization, Pruning Spring Bulbs. 

Current contract from R&R should not include yearly mulch removal.  At the discretion of the council appropriate mulch removal will be decided. 

Mulch removal does not need to be done this year.

Resolution for Ethics Training: Clark Corwin

Model used for Code of Ethics is written by WCU school government. 

A workshop meeting to adopta Code of Ethics Resolution with all council members present should be scheduled.   The council needs to fully understand of the code of ethics, which will determine the ethical guidelines that each council member will perform their duties under. 

The focus and main topic of the January 2011 meeting will be the Code of Ethics.

New Business

Kolleen Begley addresses the council about the separation of church and state at a public meeting.

Kolleen Begley poses the concernthat “prayer” in the council meeting violates the separation of church and state and is offensive to other council members and public attendees. 

Mayor Wallace would like to ask this question on the questionnaire to get the opinions of the Village.

Some members of the council do not feel that this is an issue to be decided on by a questionnaire, and would like to adhere to the guidelines of the law separating church and state.

Some members of the public audience and the council feel that prayer is offensive and has offended others in attendance because it makes a statement of religious belief in a public forum. 

A recess is called by Mayor Wallace 8:15pm

Meeting resumed 8:25pm

Mayor Wallace verbalizes that he is not opposed to abstaining from public prayer in the council meetings and will abide by the general consensus. 

There is discussion on the Mayor’s responsibility to be a meeting facilitator.  Members of the council would like to see more facilitation from the Mayor, thereby leading to a more orderly meeting.

Todd Collins: Survey

A list of survey questions has been submitted by Professor Collins for review.  It is felt that they are too vague and lack detail. 

Clark Corwin suggests that a member of the council possibly Suzanne Stone, will meet with Professor Collins on the survey questions.

Clark Corwin moves to adjourn, Carl Hooper seconds, meeting adjourned 8:55