May 2010


                                                                 VILLAGE OF FOREST HILLS

                                                                               May 11, 2010



The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held in the lobby at the University Inn at 6:00pm

on May 11, 2010.


The following members of the Council were present:

Clark Corwin

Carl Hooper

Gene Tweedy

Suzanne Stone

Jim Wallace, Mayor


The following Non-Council members were present:

Kolleen Begley, Clerk

Mark Teague, Zoning Administrator

Jim Weir, Finance Officer

CuRvE Task Force

WCU Chancellor’s office representative



(1)    Call to order 6:00pm by Mayor, Jim Wallace



(2)    Financial reports for the month of April, 2010.  Jim Weir addressed the Council and let them know that he will be retiring as the Village Finance Officer as of June 30, 2010.  Jim recommended Kolleen Begley to take over as of July 1, 2010.  Jim stated that he would stay involved through the fiscal year end audit.  Jim Weir discussed the proposed 2010-2011 Village Budget that the Budget Committee devised. This budget will be need to be approved by Council at the next Council meeting, June 1st.  The proposed budget will be on the Village website and will be open for public comment at the June 1st meeting prior to being accepted.  Jim Weir reported on the Village financial condition as of April 30, 2010 showing the fiscal year bottom line coming in within budget and approx $85K cash on hand.  (The year to date budget will be available on the website under the Budget page.)  A motion to accept the Financial Report was made by Carl Hooper, seconded by Gene Tweedy and unanimously approved.  A motion to accept the proposed budget to be approved at the June meeting was made by Gene Tweedy, seconded by Carl Hooper, unanimously approved.  Jim Wallace and the Council thanked Jim Weir for his many contributions as Finance Officer for the Village.  Gene Tweedy made a motion to accept the recommendation from Jim Weir for Kolleen Begley to take over as Finance Officer, seconded by Suzanne Stone, unanimously approved.  Clark Corwin thanked Kolleen Begley for her contributions as Clerk and discussion continued about finding a replacement to take over as Clerk. 


(3)    CURVE Presentation   The CURVE group gave a presentation and discussed their research into annexation and requested feedback on whether or not the Village of Forest Hills has interest in the annexation of parts of Cullowhee and the University.  (See attachment A for the CuRvE Task Force update.) Discussion evolved about the areas and important reason for incorporating or annexing in order to qualify for funding for improvements and beautification.  CURVE addressed Council asking if there was interest in pursing this opportunity together with their group and Western Carolina University. Discussion continued about clarification on areas and time frame consideration as well as a potential name change to Cullowhee.  Gene Tweedy addressed CURVE and asked for a list of advantages to the Village if they were to consider annexation.  The Council unanimously expressed an interest  in pursuing this proposal only and asked CURVE to come back for another presentation at the August Council meeting.  Clark Corwin and Carl Hooper will continue to represent the Village at the CURVE meetings.


(4)    Approval of meeting minutes for April 6, 2010 Council meeting.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Gene Tweedy, seconded by Carl Hooper, unanimously approved. 



(5)    Report by Clark Corwin and Carl Hooper from their recent training sessions: Ethics Requirements.  Clark Corwin reported that ethics training is now required by state law requiring that members of the governing boards of municipalities must attend 2 hours of training effective January 1, 2011.   Discussion about how to obtain this training.


(6)    Contractors List for Village website.  Angela Davis has asked that the Village website offer a list of reliable home services.  This list would not be endorsed by the Village, only resident recommendations to other residents as a community service only on the website.  The Council agreed that Kolleen Begley will add a tab to the Village website to accommodate this list.    


(7)    Recognition Plaque in the new Jackson County Library.  Mayor Wallace discussed the recognition plague for the new library honoring Dick Iobst’s contributions to the Village Council.  Mayor Wallace suggested honoring James Pierce as well. 




Suzanne Stone discussed concerns from her neighbors about a pot hole on a Village road that is growing.  Mayor Wallace said that CWS is responsible for repairing this and he will contact him.


Clark Corwin suggested a community roadside clean-up in the future with a subsequent picnic at the Jackson County recreation Center for all residents that participated.  Potentially to be held on a specific advertised Saturday to be determined at a later date.


Clark Corwin discussed forming additional organizational committees at the beginning of each term. 


Discussion about finding a new monthly meeting place other than the University Inn so business could be accomplished without disruption.  Carl Hooper offered to look into different venues for meeting places and potential costs to use the space. 



Village road side cleanup.  Gene Tweedy solicited bids for contractors to clean ditches, clean up debris, inspect culverts, trim right-of ways (including overhanging dead trees from the winter).  2 bids were returned to Gene.  Alexander and BH Granning.  Discussion evolved from Clark Corwin ensuring that both of the bids were comparative in nature of work.  A motion was made to accept the bid from Alexander by Carl Hooper, seconded by Suzanne Stone, unanimously approved.  Gene asked that Jim Wallace contact Alexander to let him know he has been awarded the work.


Village entrance sign.  Alan Begley reported that the wood used around the Village entrance was never sealed or pressure treated and it’s falling apart naturally, not vandalism like previously thought.  Alan suggested replacing all boards at once so it all matches vs replacing them one by one as they fall apart.  Discussion from Alan about how to keep the replacement cost down between $500-$1,000.00  Clark Corwin made a motion that the Village spend up to $1,000 for Alan to do this repair, seconded by Gene Tweedy, unanimously approved. 


At 8:00pm a motion to adjourn was made by made by Carl Hooper, seconded by Clark Corwin, unanimously approved.