Forest Hills Council Meeting 11-1-99


Forest Hills Village Council Meeting

Monday, November 01, 1999

Cullowhee Valley School cafeteria

7:00 PM


Present: Mayor Irene Hooper, Jean Adams, Larry Kolenbrander, Harold Williford, Carol Pearce, and Mary Ann Budahl, Village clerk


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hooper at 7:18 PM.  The minutes of the previous meeting held on October 4 and continued on October 11 were accepted as previously distributed with one correction: that Jim Wallace, Bill Thompson and a person from the Election Board would be manning the polling place for the election tomorrow.  Motion made by Larry Kolenbrander; seconded by Jean Adams.  Passed unanimously.


Carol Pearce reported that the bank balance in the Village account was roughly $8600.00 which did not include the $10,942.94 received from the Powell Bill Fund for maintenance and construction of local streets.  Carol reported that notice has been received from the Jackson County Tax Collector that Forest Hills portion of tax revenues for August amounted to $189.53, and $1250.14 for September.


Carol distributed copies of the audit reports of 1998 and 1999 from Crisp Hughes Evans LLP to members of the Council.


Mayor Hooper reminded all present of the election tomorrow.


Mayor Hooper read a resolution from the Southwestern Commission regarding the release of funds appropriated by the NC General Assembly in support of the state=92s eighteen Regional Councils. Each region received $55,000, which will be used to support community and economic development staff positions, to provide technical assistance to local governments, to assist with the administration of Region A's revolving loan fund, and as general support revenue for the organization. Harold moved to accept the resolution; seconded by Larry. Passed unanimously.


Mayor Hooper reported on a program presented by the NC Forestry Service to local government officials on October 29 at Lake Thorpe, which she attended. Discussed was the danger of forest fires which is greatest between October and May, and the sophisticated methods used by the Forest Service to fight fires, such as using helicopters to scoop up water from nearby lakes to douse a fire.


An ongoing situation in our community, is the trash problem near the University Inn and the adjacent apartments. The University Inn owner provides a Dumpster for use by the motel, but it is used to overflowing by the residents of the apartments. Larry Kolenbrander will contact the Jackson County Health Department to discuss any public health problems that may be involved.


In the matter of choosing an attorney to act on behalf of the Village, Jean Adams moved that Jim Pearce be consulted regarding the process necessary to negotiate to retain the services of Jay Coward on a year to year basis. The fee decided upon is $200.00 monthly for routine legal advice.  Seconded by Harold Williford. Passed unanimously.


A second annual Holiday Gala and judging of holiday decorations was discussed. It was determined that the judging of decorations which can be seen from outside will be done on Sunday, December 12 at 5 PM, and a party for residents and invited guests will be held from 6 =96 8:30 PM at the University Inn if it is available. Residents are encouraged to attend. Punch and hors d=92oeuvres will be served, and rumor has it that Santa will attend! Please notify Jean Adams (293-9519) if you are willing to bring some finger foods.


The Planning Committee has revised their bylaws to include a three-year staggered membership. Their meetings will be held on the third Monday of each month instead of the second Monday. A meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, which consists of the five council members and two additional members of the planning board (Jim Wallace and Anne Chambers with Ian Pritchard and Jim Davis as alternates) is to be convened. Mayor Hooper will contact the above members to set a date for this Committee meeting.


An invoice in the amount of $132.00 for maps, database and digitizing created by the Division of Community Assistance was presented for payment. Move to accept for payment made by Harold; seconded by Jean.  Passed unanimously.


A brief discussion involving wireless communication facilities impacting on the Village ensued, with the general feeling that Forest Hills should adopt an ordinance similar to that of the surrounding communities. Jackson County is currently in the process of adopting such an ordinance.  More discussion will follow.


There being no further business, a move to adjourn was made at 9:05 by Larry and seconded by Harold. Passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,



Mary Ann Budahl, Village Clerk