Forest Hills Council Meeting 12-20-99


Forest Hills Council Meeting

Monday, December 20, 1999

7:00 PM

University Inn


Present:  Mayor Irene Hooper; Councilpersons Larry Kolenbrander, Harold Williford, Jean Adams, Sharon Jacques; Clerk Mary Ann Budahl; Ann Melton, Asst. County Clerk of Court; Sylva Herald Reporter, Rose Hooper; eight residents of Forest Hills Village including members of the Planning Board


1.          Mayor Hooper called the (recessed from December 6, 1999) meeting to order at 7:10 PM; and all were introduced and welcomed.


2.         Ann Melton, Assistant Clerk of Court for Jackson County then swore in Irene Hooper as Mayor for a two-year term.


3.         Mayor Hooper explained the procedure to be used for filling Jim Pearce’s Council seat as directed by the Board of Elections:  The Village Council will vote on a replacement following nomination and discussion.  Jean Adams was nominated for the position by Sharon Jacques, seconded by Larry Kolenbrander.  Passed unanimously.  Jean will serve the remaining two years of Jim’s unexpired term.  Ann Melton then swore in Jean Adams.


4.         The minutes of the preceding meeting of December 6, 1999 were accepted as written.  (Larry Kolenbrander, Sharon Jacques)  Passed unanimously.


5.         Village Treasurer, Carol Pearce reported via Mayor Hooper that total receipts for November totaled $2136.13 collected from September and October taxes.  Paid out:  $29.20 to the Sylva Herald for a rubber stamp for checks, and $132.00 to NC Chamber of Commerce for maps.  The bank balance is $19,524.00.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was passed unanimously.  (Sharon Jacques, Larry Kolenbrander.)


6.         Mayor Hooper reported that the date of the Special Meeting of the Southwestern Commission was changed to January 11, 2000 at the Town Hall in Sylva.  All local municipalities are invited to attend to discuss the matter of greenways.


7.         Ron Stephens reported that Alan Watkins, an employee of Carolina Water System has voluntarily removed the trashed couch and bed left near the water tower.  Mr Watkins keeps the area around the pump house on North Country Club Drive very clean, and he will arrange to have some gravel dumped to prevent a washout.  Mayor Hooper will send him a letter thanking him for doing this.  Ron has volunteered to spread the gravel.  Ron Stephens and Alan Watkins also discussed options to discourage parking and vandalism in this area.


8.         It was reported that the Neighborhood Watch sign near the University Inn was knocked over, and the stop sign at Pincushion Lane is missing.  Irene Hooper will call DOT regarding the stop sign and she was given permission to purchase a replacement stop sign if necessary, since this is an area not maintained by the State.  Larry Kolenbrander and Harold Williford agreed to put up the Neighborhood Watch sign.


9.         Mayor Hooper suggested that Ron Stephens, a native of Jackson County, and a new Village resident with vital interest in our area replace Leonard Kelly to represent Forest Hills with the Economic Development Commission.  Motion to this effect made by Larry Kolenbrander, seconded by Harold Williford.  Passed unanimously.


10.        Larry Kolenbrander agreed to update the Boundaries and Annexation Survey from the US Chamber of Commerce, reporting any formal boundary changes since January 1, 1999.


11.        Mayor Hooper reported that approximately 50 residents and guests attended the Village Holiday Party held last Sunday at the University Inn, and she has received many positive comments from those attending and from the article in the Sylva Herald.  The Outdoor Decoration Contest winners were Robert and Suzanne Kehrberg, first place; Baxter and Sue Wood, second place; and Jim and Trisha Davis, third place.  Honorable mentions went to Ian and Atwood Pritchard, and Michael Macias.  Amy Garza was the judge.


12.        Discussion relating to matters of retaining the Village attorney involving pay scale, attending the Village meetings, routine consultation, etc.  Larry Kolenbrander moved that Mayor Hooper meet with Jay Coward and work out a proposal and present it at the next meeting for the Council’s consideration.  Seconded by Sharon Jacques.  Passed unanimously.


13.        The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.  (Sharon Jacques, Harold Williford)


Respectfully submitted,


Mary Ann Budahl, Village Clerk