Forest Hills Council Meeting 10-11-99

Forest Hills Village Council Meeting

Monday, October 11, 1999

University Inn


Present:  Mayor Irene Hooper, Harold Williford, Larry Kolenbrander, Village clerk Mary Ann Budahl  Also present were members of the Planning Board:  Ann Chambers, Jim Davis, Angela Davis, Jim Wallace, Ian Pritchard.


Mayor Hooper called the meeting to order at 7:08 and welcomed all to the meeting.  Larry Kolenbrander moved that the minutes of the last meeting be accepted as previously distributed.  Seconded by Harold Williford.  Passed unanimously.


Mayor Hooper read a letter from the State of NC Department of Transportation notifying all that the Village of Forest Hills had received a portion of the Powell Bill Fund amounting to $10,942.94.  The Powell Bill restricts use of the allocation to the maintenance and construction of local streets.


Mayor Hooper then read a letter from Steve Eller of the Southwestern Commission regarding EDA (Economic Development Administration) funding for the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).  Mr Eller’s letter requested a “wish list” of community or economic development projects that we would like to see funded over the next five years such as infrastructure (water and sewer), transportation (cars, bikes, people, etc), high technology (Internet access, bandwidth), health care, education, power (natural gas), housing, etc.  The letter was referred to the Planning Board.


Also shared by Mayor Hooper was a letter regarding applications for grants from the North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center.


A General Non-partisan election will take place on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 to fill the office of Mayor of Forest Hills and two Council Member seats.  The polling place is the Cullowhee Valley Elementary School between 6:30 AM and 7:30 PM.  Jim Wallace, Ann Chambers, Jesse Flake, and Jim Davis will be requested to work at the polls in order to save the Village the cost of hiring poll workers.  Paper ballots will be used (again, to save money).


Regarding state maintenance of those portions of North and South Country Club Drives that are not now state maintained:  A letter is to go out to all residents regarding this matter, and it will be followed up by a call or visit from a member of the Planning Board 


At 7:35 a motion for adjournment was made by Larry Kolenbrander, seconded by Harold Williford, and passed unanimously. 


Respectfully submitted,


Mary Ann Budahl, Village clerk