June 2006
From: Janie Prentice, Clerk
Date: June 30, 2006
Monday, June 5th, 2006
In attendance: Mayor Davis, councilmen Sue Burton, Dick Iobst, financial officer Jim Weir
Villagers Evelyn Weir, Lee Budahl, Charles Burton, Angela Davis, Sylva Herald-Symantha Blanton.
Mayor Davis said a short prayer.
A new baby boy was born to Cindy and Bill Thompson-Congratulations from the Board.
Jim Weir read the financial report. A motion was made, seconded, and accepted as amended. Jim went over the proposed new budget and mentioned that the millage rate will remain at 1%. An amount of money was not included in the proposed budget for the coming year for the entryway to the Village. Jim Weir made a motion to change the amount of $20,000 to be separated into two $10,000 amounts. A motion was made, seconded and accepted by the board to accept the amended, proposed new budget.
Roger Turk’s proposal for the entryway into the Village is “dead in the water”. The company has not returned any of his calls. Mayor Davis said that the “The Greenway architects (Ambient Design group) wanted too much money up front for an estimate.
Sue gave the number of 236 bedrooms for students are within the Village. The
No reports were given from Irene Hooper-EDC and Gene Tweedy-Planning Board at this time.
Police Reports showed May to be a very slow month for police costs.
The court ruling regarding the
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the May minutes.
Lee Budahl questioned if the police protection was worth the money the Village spends each month. Mayor Davis and Sue Burton responded with positive responses as to the reduction of noise and minor offenses being made. Budahl also asked how off-duty police officers were appointed and was told by the Sheriff himself.
The DOT is still pending as to when a representative would be able to come out for another meeting concerning
The house on
A motion was made, seconded, and passed to adjourn the meeting.