July 2006
From: Janie Prentice, Clerk
In attendance: Mayor Davis, councilmen, Sue Burton, Dick Iobst, Jim Wallace, Treasurer Jim Weir, villagers Charles Burton others????
A short prayer was said by Mayor Davis.
Approval for April and May’s minutes were tabled until the August meeting.
The Financial report was read by financial officer, Jim Weir. A motion was made and seconded to accept the report.
No report was given by Irene Hooper, representative to EDC, or Sue Burton, WCU liaison, or Gene Tweedy of the Planning Board.
The Solid Waste Management Plan was read by Mayor Davis and a motion was made and seconded and accepted to renew the three-year update.
Street signs were discussed by the board as to whether any should be put up around the neighborhood. Stop signs, no parking signs, Illegal to park signs, will be fined, towed were all options to explore. A cost of $1,445.00 was given as to how much the signs would cost from the sign company named 4S Sign and Supply, Inc. Sue mentioned that signs could be purchased from the DOT, picked up and installed by whomever, for a nominal cost as compared to the sign company estimate.
Dick made a motion to purchase the signs needed, Sue seconded, with one dissention, but was accepted.
Discussion concerning an Encroachment Document would be obtained before any work is done on the entrance to the village. The Ambient Design Group Company is trying to meet with the DOT to work on the entrance. It was decided to table the discussion until Mayor Davis and Jim Wallace could meet with the Ambient Design Group Company to obtain more information.
A motion was made by Dick to support Jim’s suggestion to meet with the Ambient Design Group Company to get information to bring back to the council.
A member of the DOT take-over committee will contact each person who has not signed or turned in a form for giving right-of-way, to see what reservations villagers might have.
Jim Wallace brought up the fact that we might consider charging an impact fee of $3,000-$4,000 for residents to pay before starting construction within the Village of Forest Hills, that may cause damage to roads due to heavy equipment, trucks, etc. If damage is done, the money would be used to correct any damage. The money would be returned to homeowner if no damage is done.
A motion was made to have Jim Wallace confer with the Village attorney to research the legality of this proposal. The motion was seconded and passed.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.