January 2006

To:                   Village Councilmen


Date:                January 6, 2006


From:               Janie Prentice, Clerk


Subject:            The Village of Forest Hills Council Meeting Minutes

                        Monday, January 2, 2005

                        University Inn Motel


In attendance: Mayor Davis, councilmen Sue Burton, Dick Iobst, Jim Wallace, absent Joe Rosanno, villagers, Trish Davis, Evelyn and Jim Weir, Sylva Herald, Symanthia Blaton.


Mayor Davis said a short prayer.


Jim Weir gave the financial report.  Dick Iobst made a motion, Jim Wallace seconded, and it was passed to accept report.


It was reported that Media Com has implemented a $2.00 monthly rate increase.  DISH has dropped two of its very popular channels, Lifetime and Lifetime Movie Network.


There were no reports from EDC and the other committees.


It was discussed that grant money availability should be investigated.  Jim Wallace and Dick Iobst volunteered to attend a “Grant Writing Course” being held in Raleigh, NC in March 2006.  Sue Burton made a motion that the board should pay $300 tuition, plus expenses to send the two.  Jim Wallace seconded and it was accepted.


Jim Wallace had checked with the off-duty officer concerning vehicles parking partly on the road during party nights, and being a hazard.  The officers can write a citation for this.  The Dickert’s, Younce’s, and Freezner’s property are the most affected by this.


The Planning Board wants to keep the KA House property zoned RI (residential).  A man, who wants to purchase the property, wants to make changes in the zoning ordinance.


Jim Wallace would like his comments on the Planning Board presentation last month, to be included and attached to these minutes.   Jim emphasized that he was not asking these comments be approved, just included as concerns and remarks of his.  A motion was made by Dick Iobst, it was seconded and passed to have his comments accepted for discussion only to January minutes.


There was no Sheriff’s report this month.


Roger Turk will be invited to attend February’s meeting to present plans.


A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.

Wallace Comments: