March 2020
The following members of the Council were present:
Mayor Jim Wallace
Councilmember Marcia Almond
The following members of the Council were absent:
Councilmember Jerry Rice, III
Councilmember Nilofer Couture
The following Non-Council members were Present:
Stephanie Gibson, Clerk
Kolleen Begley, Village Homeowner
Rick Cardona, Village Homeowner
Jack Brown, Village Homeowner
1. Call to order: at 7:00pm Mayor Wallace called the meeting to order.
- Announcements: Reminder – Please silence cell phones for meeting
- Approval of Agenda:
- Approval of Meeting Minutes February 4, Regular Council Meeting: (All meeting minutes are posted on the Forest Hills website once approved.)
- Acceptance of Financial Report & Checklist for the month of February: (All financial reports are posted on the Forest Hills website once approved.)
- Public Comments: Kolleen Begley spoke about community involvement, her comments were, “A few of you have alienated some really good community members that gave their time, talent, and education to Forest Hills. Three of those community members have PhD's and showed up to work on safety, community, grants, and funding opportunities for the potential purchase of all or some of the valley for green space - one of whom actually does funding for WCU for a living. Councilmembers are elected to be leaders and I'd like to suggest that you all consider what leadership means to you. You can work with people you disagree with and still accomplish something."
Kolleen mentioned that no more than two Village Council members should be at a Planning Board or any other meeting to discuss Village business because two or more members constitutes a meeting and violates meeting laws.
Kolleen shared that the Village received another grant from Jackson County to assist with recycling in the amount of $2500 and that two trash receptacles had been purchased as well as locks to secure them and one had been placed as you go up NCC Dr. and one at the entrance to the Summit. The Summit will empty the trash container near their entrance and Village residents have volunteered to empty the other container on a weekly basis for now. Kollen said that approximately $250 will go toward supplies for the Liter Letter Project that students are currently working on such as wire mesh and any other needs.
Kolleen said if there are grant opportunities in the future, she would like to suggest the purchase of a trash camera, and shrubs, trees, etc. to create a hedge by Prospect.
Kolleen noted that the Semi-Annual Roadside Cleanup Event will be held Saturday, April 18th.
Kolleen said she would like to see a fine for litter to be consolidated into the Ordinances.
- Reports:
Roads: Jerry Rice -
RPO/TAC: Marcia Almond –
Planning Board:
Village Safety: Nilofer Couture -
Mayor’s Comments:
8. Unfinished Business:
9. Additional Public Comments: None
10. Adjourn: At 7:15pm, Mayor Wallace called the meeting to an end since there was not a quorum present, Councilmember Rice was absent and Councilmember Couture was absent, Councilmember Couture arrived after the meeting was cancelled, she was later than expected due to an event she said she notified Mayor Wallace of but since there was not a set time frame and no business could be conducted, the meeting was cancelled.