December 2014

                                                                        COUNCIL MINUTES
                                                                   VILLAGE OF FOREST HILLS
                                                                        December 02, 2014


The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held in the meeting room at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 6:00pm on December 02, 2014.


The following members of the Council were present:

Mayor Kolleen Begley

Councilmember Clark Corwin

Councilmember Ron Mau

Councilmember Carl Hooper


The following Non-Council members were present:

Stephanie Gibson, Finance Officer/Clerk

Tanner Hall, the Sylva Herald

David Moore, Village Attorney


1)      Call to order:  The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Kolleen Begley.


2)      Announcements:  1) The 2015 meetings for the Council and Planning Board meetings cannot be scheduled with the Recreation Center until January but the January meetings are on the schedule.  2) Councilman Perlmutter notified Mayor Begley that he would be absent from tonight’s meeting.  3)  Bronwyn will be at the January meeting to present the audit report for fiscal year 2013-2014, it has been accepted by the LGC.


3)      Approval of Agenda:  Councilman Hooper made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Councilman Corwin, and unanimously approved.


4)      Approval of Meeting Minutes from October 28, 2014 Council meeting: a motion to approve the  minutes from the October 28th Council meeting was made by Councilman Mau, seconded by Councilman Corwin, unanimously approved.                                             


5)      Acceptance of Financial Report & Checklist for the months of October and November, 2014   Stephanie provided copies of the Financial Report for October and November since November’s meeting was held early and banking statements were not complete when that meeting was held.  In October, there were expenses of $540 for Police protection, $21.60 for ads, $472 for Administrative fees and Postage for mailing notices of the Charrette, and $195.99 for entrance operating fees.  Revenues for October were $5,450.92 from Ad Valorem Taxes, Sales Tax, and Interest earned. The ending balances in the Money Market, Checking, and Powell accounts totaled $162,591.66.  In November, there were expenses of  $480 for Police protection, $28.80 for ads, $451.75 for Administrative fees and reimbursement for food for the Charrette, $915 for Attorney fees, ad $100.07 for entrance operating fees.  Revenues for November were $7,926.54 from Ad Valorem Taxes, Sales Tax, and Interest earned.  The ending balances in the Money Market, Checking, and Powell accounts totaled $168,578.27.


6)      Public Comment:  None


7)      Request to hold a 3K/5K run in Village for Mountain Discovery Charter School: LeAnne Pate:  LeAnne asked the Village for permission for Mountain Discovery Charter School to hold a 5K run in the Village.  She shared that the school had held two runs in the past, the first run they held alone and had approximately 45 runners and raised approximately $800, last year they held the run with the Cherokee Historical Society and had 75-100 runners.  LeAnne noted that if the Village granted permission for the run to be held in Forest Hills, the school would obtain any permission necessary from authorities, contact the Sheriff and have Emergency Medical Technician’s on site.  Also, they would have all forms, waivers, and releases needed on hand.  LeAnne said that in appreciation to the Village, registration for all residents would be free; they would offer ½ price sponsorship for residents interested in sponsoring the event and the students would volunteer to participate in a work day for the Village.  Council members asked about potential parking issues and LeAnne said that they will have volunteer stations set up to assist with traffic control and could run a shuttle service for participants to park in another location.  LeAnne noted that the runs don’t usually take longer than a couple of hours; she said it would probably be from around 9:30 – 12:00.  She said that they would set up for the run the night before with the signs and stations and come between 7:00 – 8:00am on Saturday morning to prepare. 

Mayor Begley asked if the Village Ins. Company needed to be notified for Liability purposes, Attorney Moore said that he did not think that there was anything in the ordinances that would prohibit the event so he did not think there would be any permits to obtain.  He noted that the Municipality was not a sponsor for the event and therefore would not have any liability; they would simply be allowing the event to be held in the Village.  Council members and the Attorney agreed that the Village should note the event on the website so that residents were aware of the event. 

LeAnne said that the school would take care of all promotion. 

Council members unanimously agreed to allow the event to be held in the Village.  LeAnne provided two dates in April that were being considered and asked if the Council had a preference and asked if they should limit the number of participants.  Council agreed that either date should work and they did not feel it would be necessary to limit the number of participants.


8)      Reports:  


Planning Board: 1) Councilman Corwin and Mayor Begley attended the last meeting, Councilman Corwin noted that Janie Prentice wants to remain a member of the board but does not want to chair the meetings.  Councilman Corwin said that some boards have alternate members in order to make a quorum if not enough members are present, he suggested that Janie as well as another interested person could be alternates and vote on matters in the absence of members when a quorum is required.

Mayor Begley noted that Councilman Corwin volunteered to facilitate the meetings until someone else was ready to assume that position.


Councilman Corwin noted that Todd agreed to address the definition of a family, the number of unrelated persons allowed in a household.


Mayor Begley announced that the Planning Board would like to have a joint meeting with the Council on February 16th at 7:00pm, Council agreed to attend the joint meeting.


Mayor Begley addressed the issue of compensation for the Planning Board members, Council discussed the issue at length, and Attorney Moore did advise that there could be a potential conflict of interest or the perception of a conflict with positions appointed, Council agreed to table the discussion for the time being.


Safety:  Councilman Hooper said that there were several reports; he noted that there was a speeding citation issued as well as a citation for a driver driving on a revoked license and another for Driving While Impaired.  Councilman Mau asked if the safety report should be posted on the website, Council agreed that the citations given should be reported.


Village Roads & RPO Board:  Councilman Perlmutter was absent; report will be given at the January meeting.


Jackson County:  Councilman Mau said that the Steering Committee for the Jackson County Comprehensive Plan met on 11/5 and members are brainstorming about how they would describe the Transportation system 30 years from now.  The committee is meeting again tomorrow and will discuss the Mission and Vision statements.  He noted Gerald Green is the chair and that there are probably 15-20 members with representatives from schools, all Municipalities, SCC, WCU, TWSA, Economic Development, etc.  The committee meets the first Wednesday of each month from 12:30 – 2:30.


Councilman Mau noted that he will have to review the water drainage issue update and report back.


Mayor’s Report


Mayor Begley said that she attended the Southwestern Commission meeting; she said they introduced new board members and reviewed the survey results.  She noted that she will bring the survey results to the next meeting for review.


Mayor Begley shared that there has already been $9,000 in pledges made for the sidewalks, she said that they have created a spreadsheet with contacts, she will update at the next meeting.


9)      Unfinished Business:


Preliminary Charrette/Online Survey Summary Report:  Mayor Begley shared the preliminary results of the workshop and the surveys completed.  She noted in reviewing the results that the resident’s main desires appeared to be open space, walking trails, senior living, community center, greenway, and a community gathering space.  She noted that a final report with suggestion will be forthcoming.


PARTF grant:  Mayor Begley noted that the deadline for the grant application was February 1st.  Council agreed that there was not enough time to submit an application for the grant this year but they would keep the idea on the radar for next year.


Council Education Resolution:  Mayor Begley read the revised wording.  Councilman Mau suggested that the wording be revised again to read “qualified source approved by the governing board”, he made a motion to approve the resolution with changes; Councilman Hooper seconded the motion, and unanimously approved.


10)   New Business


  • Speed Limit and no parking on Roads:  Councilman Corwin asked Attorney Moore about holding a public hearing; he asked what preparations need to be made.  Attorney Moore said that the ordinances only address a portion of the Village for parking and speed limits are not posted in some areas.  Councilman Corwin asked if there should be a Village wide speed limit of 25mph be set.  Mayor Begley said that parking and speed limit restrictions must be in the ordinances.  

Attorney Moore recommended that the Council give notice how they plan to amend or add ordinances and provide a rational basis for why they are doing so.  He noted that not all areas of the Village have the same conditions and terrain.  Councilman Mau noted that a speed limit of 25 would be too high in some areas.  Attorney Moore suggested having a police officer ride with a Council member thru the Village and get input on road speed limits. 

Mayor Begley asked if Councilman Hooper would drive thru the Village with his law enforcement contact and Councilman Mau to find a traffic engineer to contact.  She noted that once we have those two suggestions/recommendations, the board can decide on a proposed speed limit and have a public hearing on it.  Then a speed limit for the Village roads could be added to the ordinances and speed limit signs could be posted on the roads which would enable enforcement of that speed.


  • Organize a Village sponsored “Clean Up Day”:   Councilman Hooper suggested that a cleanup day be held on the same day as the 5k run since Mountain Discovery Charter School students were volunteering to help and it could be a Village wide effort.  Mayor Begley said that she would ask LeAnne if that date would work for the school.


  • Chris Green’s Proposal:  Mayor Begley shared that Mr. Green had emailed her and said that if the Council wants to consider another area for a green space he would consider that if there is a consideration to purchase or ask a developer to make this a green space park.  Council agreed to wait on the final survey report from the Charrette at the next meeting and then consider setting up a workshop if the board agrees.


Councilman Corwin mentioned that the Department of Natural Resources can be invited by a property owner to determine if there is anything endangered on their property and if something is identified, they have to look at a buffer area around it.


11)   Adjourn:  At7:55pm Councilman Corwin made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Hooper, unanimously approved.