Forest Hills Planning Board 9-17-01

Village of Forest Hills

Planning Board Minutes

Sept 17, 2001


Present:        Ann Chambers, Jim Davis, Sally James, Larry Kolenbrander, Gene Tweedy, Joe Rossano.


Also present was Mr Geoffrey Willett and a number of interested visitors from the Village.


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Kolenbrander.  Minutes from the August 20 meeting were unanimously approved with minor corrections.


The single focus of this meeting was to begin the review the draft subdivision regulations presented to the planning board in August by Mr. Geoffrey Willett.  The first portion of the regulations were reviewed on a paragraph-by-paragraph basis and minor corrections and rewording changes were suggested.  These changes will be incorporated into the final draft document that will be presented for discussion and recommendation at the conclusion of the review process.


No other business was conducted and the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm


The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for October 15, at 7:00 pm at the University Inn.



Respectfully submitted



Larry Kolenbrander