Forest Hills Planning Board 11-19-01

Village of Forest Hills

Planning Board Minutes

November 19, 2001


Present:  Ann Chambers, Jim Davis, Sally James, Larry Kolenbrander, Ian Prichard, Joe Rossano, David Shapiro, Gene Tweedy; Geoffrey Willet also in attendance.


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Kolenbrander.  Minutes from the October 15 meeting were approved unanimously.


One member brought up that Steve Owens has not attended any Planning Board meetings because of schedule conflicts.  Recommendation was made to have the Village Council contact Steve and request his resignation, unless other circumstances are determined.  Recommendation was approved unanimously.


Agenda items were to continue discussing Subdivision Regulations and the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance, and how both relate to each other.


James indicated that she does not intend to vote for the Subdivision Regulations as they are currently worded and suggested that the Planning Board not proceed with discussion.  Kolenbrander indicated that he would argue for continuation of discussion, since the other Planning Board members have not yet decided and that the Board is advisory to the Village Council.  The Board decided to continue discussion and delay recommendation until conclusion of discussion.


Sections discussed included Enforcement of Ordinance, Appeals, Penalties for Violation, Separability, Variances, Amendments, Abrogation, Effect of Existing Legislation, Fee Schedule, and Effective Date; related forms were discussed as well.  Recommendations for revision were entertained.  If a discrepancy were found later in any of the forms, the regulations would take precedence.


Willet explained that PUD document is supposed to provide a larger view of development, as well as development on an individual lot.  Different scenarios regarding number of houses per acreage and housing density were discussed.  The PUD may become imbedded into the zoning restrictions.  However, some may consider the PUD unnecessary.


The PUD may allow for scaling of lots to the topography.  For example, by restricting the number of houses, the sizes of lots could vary.  Some adjustment may allow for shorter roads or for more affordable access.  PUD may make the green space more accessible to the public.  PUD could specify square footage and lot size. 


Following approximately one hour of discussion, the following proposal was identified:  By application of PUD and zoning map, the Planning Board may decide to recommend specific location for inclusion of PUD, other for exclusion of PUD.  Potentially, this would provide both flexibility to potential developers and control to existing residents.  This proposal was satisfying to all members present.  


The last issue discussed was minimum square footage for individual family houses (i.e., 2,000, 1,600, and 1,500 were discussed); the Board tentatively agreed to 1,500.


No further business was discussed.  Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.  Next meeting is scheduled for December 17, 2001; agenda items to include discussion of modified PUD and a draft zoning ordinance.


Submitted by,


David Shapiro