Forest Hills Planning Board 12-17-01

Village of Forest Hills

Planning Board Minutes

December 17, 2001


Present:  John Adams, Ann Chambers, Sally James, Larry Kolenbrander, Ian Pritchard, David Shapiro, Gene Tweedy; Geoffrey Willet.


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Kolenbrander.  Minutes from the November 19 meeting were approved unanimously.


Kolenbrander invited Shapiro to share his question regarding the proposed minimum square footage for new homes within the village.  Following discussion (i.e., addressing affordability, house size to accommodate green space, potential buyers), 1,500 square feet was maintained as the proposed minimum.


John Adams recently was appointed to the Planning Board (PB).  Kolenbrander suggested that the next PB meeting be scheduled to review Village maps, documents, and progress to date.  The Village maintains a current copy of all documents; Willet reminded that all copies are available on-line.  These documents will be copied and provided to all PB members; other copies could be made available to village residents on an as needed basis. 


Plan for this evening's meeting was for discussion of modified POD and a draft zoning ordinance.  That will be postponed until next meeting so as to discuss the revised Subdivision Regulations.


The wording of the Subdivision Regulations was discussed, specifically in terms of consistency of wording, so as to prevent possible misinterpretation.  Kolenbrander requested PB members to read and review the revised Subdivision Regulations and provide him with any suggestions for additional revision. 


Willet explained that in a predevelopment conference, the developer presents plans to the village.  The developer must provide plans of intention; not to do so is in violation of the law.  The concept of "vested rights" was discussed (getting a zoning certificate for the purpose intended, under the regulations at the time of issuance).  Haywood County has a predevelopment permit procedure, where the developer goes in and receives all regulations before seeking a development permit.  Jackson County does not have a predevelopment permit procedure.  Therefore, time is of the essence to get the Village zoning regulations in place. 


Willet advised to be sure that the Subdivision Regulations are what the Village wants.  The PB is intended to look into the future, thinking about what is right/correct for the Village; the Council is to balance out the political ramifications. 


Enrollment at WCU is down now; the student housing market may not be what it was expected to be.  The state's support may attract more students back. 


Kolenbrander asked PB members to think about other kind of zoning districts.  There are three types of residential districts; three types of commercial districts.  In Valhalla, there are duplex and triplex unites; the Summit has multifamily units.  Density will vary in terms of type of zoning. 


Adams asked how we might get another entrance into the Village, if apartments are built adding significantly to the density.  Willet explained that the state should have a thoroughfare plan for such situations; this type of plan should be appealing to the residents.  The new (i.e., proposed) and old entrances cannot be too close together. 


Kolenbrander indicated that DOT is aware of the potential problems with projected increases in density; there may be a reorganization at the intersection at 107 when the new traffic light is installed.  Willet suggested that the Village request being involved in DOT discussions regarding plans regarding traffic control.


Kolenbrander will talk with Davis about following through with the state's thoroughfare plan and requesting the Village be invited to all DOT discussions regarding planned roads.


Willet explained that he is obligated to target completion of our Village business by March/April 2002. 


Kolenbrander will convey terms of office of PB members to Village Council, collect packets of information for the next PB meeting, and update Jim Davis regarding two points above.  PB members will provide Kolenbrander with additional comments/feedback on Subdivision Regulations. 


Kolenbrander expressed appreciation to the PB members for service during 2001; members thanked Kolenbrander for his service and personal commitment.  All expressed thanks to Willet for service and willingness, literally, to "go the extra mile".


No further business was discussed.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.  Next meeting is scheduled for January 21, 2001 (a PB study session to review Village maps, documents, and progress to date).


Submitted by,


David Shapiro