Forest Hills Council Meeting 11-4-02

Village of Forest Hills Council Meeting

Monday, November 04, 2002, 7:00 PM

Jackson County Recreation Center


Mayor Jim Davis called the regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills Council to order at 7:04 PM.  In attendance were Mayor Davis, Councilpersons Joe Rossano, Sue Burton, and Dick Iobst,  (Jim Wallace is out of the country.)  Also in attendance were Former Mayor Irene Hooper; Financial Officer Jim Weir; Attorney Jay Coward; Sylva Herald Reporter Rose Hooper; Clerk Mary Ann Budahl; Gene Tweedy and Sally James representing the Forest Hills Planning Board; and two Village residents.


Mayor Davis welcomed all in attendance and then said a short prayer.  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as circulated.  (Iobst, Rossano)  The Financial Report showed a balance of $76,342. of which approximately $33,000 is designated Powell Bill funds.  The report was accepted unanimously (Burton, Iobst). 


Ms. Hooper reported on the October 21st meeting of the EDC with the DOT which was held at the Ramsey Center.  The meeting was attended by approximately 18 people, and the main topic was to discuss a 25-year plan regarding transportation (including rail transit) in North Carolina.  She also spoke of the new high quality imaging company that has moved into temporary quarters in the Jackson Plaza.    


Mayor Davis mentioned the increased traffic on Hwy 107 which is causing a higher number of accidents.  Incidentally, it was noted that some motorists on Hwy 107 are still not used to stopping for a traffic light at North Country Club Drive, so increased care should be taken when entering or leaving the Village.


Ms. Hooper also reported that her committee is planning the Holiday party and will be setting a date and location soon.  It was agreed that we will have an outdoor lighting contest as in past years. 


Joe Rossano reported on the bid he had received from William L Smith Paving as follows:  to resurface North Country Club Drive from the apartments west of the motel and continuously up the hill for 476 feet x 18 feet wide.  Also 195 feet would be resurfaced near Dale Brotherton’s house, as well as several other smaller areas patched and shoulders built up.  It was noted that the areas at the lower end of the road would receive more attention, due to increased traffic flow.  The cost of repairing this section is $11,410.  On South Country Club Drive, 1122 feet of roadway extending westward from the end of the state maintained portion of the road is to be resurfaced as well as some stone to be applied where the road widens, as at mailboxes, etc., and a 21’ x 5’ patch to be applied at Cave Springs Road.  The cost of this portion is $15,305.  Also under discussion is an approximately 500 foot section of roadway that ties North and South Country Club Drives.  To clear brush from the right of way, grade the roadbed, install a culvert, and apply gravel and stone would cost $2885.  It is felt that a link between North and South Country Club roads is necessary in case of an emergency which would block either road.  Councilperson Sue Burton has done considerable research including procuring maps and taking photos of the intended area.  Incidentally, this was the only bid that was received, although two other paving firms were contacted. 


Motion to approve Smith Paving to do the road work on North and South Country Club Drives as indicated in their bid proposal for a total of $26,715.  Also, the 500 foot connector portion to cost $2885 will be undertaken as soon as permission is given legally by property owners to proceed.  (Attorney Coward will advise the Council further on this matter.)  These costs will be paid from the Powell Bill Fund.  (Rossano, Iobst)  Passed unanimously. 


Motion to authorize the Planning Board to spend the remaining $3500. in the Powell Bill Fund for snow removal, road maintenance, etc. (Iobst, Rossano) passed unanimously.


Gene Tweedy stated that the Planning Board is asking for guidance from the Village Council as to its priorities.  Mayor Davis referred them to the motion passed at the last Council meeting regarding suggested projects to be undertaken.  They also requested copies of the Subdivision Regulations, the Zoning Ordinance, and the WK Dickson sewer report.  These documents will be provided by the Clerk.  Mayor Davis agreed to talk with Planning Board Chairman, John Adams regarding an agenda. 


Motion to elect Councilperson Sue Burton as permanent Mayor Pro Tem (Iobst, Rossano) passed unanimously. 


Mayor Davis lamented that Larry Kolenbrander has resigned from the Greenway Commission Board.  Joe Rossano volunteered to call Larry to attempt to persuade him to reconsider his decision. 


The position of Assistant Clerk remains unfilled.  This position entails taking minutes for perhaps one or two Council meetings per year.  If anyone is willing to take on this job, s/he is asked to call Mayor Davis (293-3538).


Motion to continue holding Council meetings on the first Monday of every month, and Planning Board meetings on the third Monday of every month at the Jackson County Recreation Center for $20.00 per meeting (Iobst, Rossano) passed unanimously.


As a point of interest, Mayor Davis stated that Cashiers is investigating the possibility of incorporating.


The Council gave hurrahs to all the folks who have helped to make our Village a desirable, pleasant place to live.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM (Iobst, Burton)


Mary Ann Budahl,  Clerk