Forest Hills Council Meeting 12-2-02

Village of Forest Hills

Council Meeting

Monday, December 2, 2002

7:00 PM

Jackson County Recreation Center


Mayor Jim Davis called the regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills Council to order at 7:05 PM.  In attendance were Councilpersons Sue Burton, Dick Iobst, and Jim Wallace; Financial Officer Jim Weir; Attorney Jay Coward; former Mayor Irene Hooper; Clerk Mary Ann Budahl; three residents of the Village; and Mike Winsted representing the Summit Apartments.


Mayor Davis welcomed all in attendance and said a brief prayer.  He then asked if there were corrections to the minutes of the November 4th meeting.  There being none, the minutes were approved (Iobst, Wallace).


Jim Weir presented the financial report which showed a balance of $49,232.00.  The two expenses last month were police protection - $72.00, and street maintenance - $26,485.00.   The report was accepted unanimously (Burton, Iobst).


Mayor Davis introduced Mike Winsted, part-owner of the Summit Apartments who asked to speak to the Council about the 14-acre site where the Summit Apartments are located.  He said that the Zoning Ordinance restricts them to ten bedrooms per acre, and therefore they will not be able to build as many units as they had originally intended.  He asked the Council for guidance and opinions before he presents a plan to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.  After some discussion which centered mostly on traffic flow, it was recommended that Mr. Winsted look into the possibility of constructing another entrance, perhaps onto Long Branch road.  If this were done, then a zoning variance would be considered. 


Former Mayor Irene Hooper reported on the Fifth Annual Holiday Gala to be held at the Jackson County Recreation Department on Sunday, December 15, 2000 from 2:00 until 4:00 PM.  Her committee consists of Fran Rossano, Jean Adams, Mary Ann Budahl, and Trish Davis.   The outdoor lighting judging will take place on December 14, and in addition to first, second, and third prizes, we will be recognizing a new category this year:  Special Recognition for Decorations with Child Appeal.  Please call Trish Davis if you would be willing to help (293-3385 or 293-5041).  Motion to applaud the efforts of the committee for planning this event passed unanimously (Iobst, Wallace).


Mayor Davis stated that the regularly scheduled Council and Planning Board meetings can be “bumped” by the Jackson County Recreation Department if another event that is considered more “recreational” requests the space.  In case a Forest Hills meeting is bumped, the meeting will be postponed or a notice will be posted on the door as to where the meeting is being held.


The Planning Board has requested that the Council reconsider changing back to nine members instead of seven so as to allow more diversity and input.  It was decided to table this request until more opinions are collected and then a public hearing will be held.


Discussion involving the approximately 500 foot section of roadway which links North and South Country Club roads.  Attorney Coward advised that the properties comprising this area will have to be researched to determine ownership before any improvements are undertaken.  He estimated that a title search would involve at least eight hours of a paralegal’s time.  Motion to authorize approximately $1000.00 for Jay Coward to perform a title search on these properties passed unanimously (Iobst, Wallace.) 

Mayor Davis has had some complaints about the roads that were recently paved – namely that the roadway seems to be “slick”, and that water is collecting on the road instead of running off the road.  Mayor Davis will refer these items to the Road Committee.  Another complaint he had received is that trash has been left to accumulate in front of the apartments on North Country Club Drive.  This will be referred to the Planning Board.

Brief discussion involving absentee Council members and their right to vote on issues by proxy or by absentee vote.  Dick Iobst will research this further.

Irene Hooper asked if Forest Hills was represented on the County-wide committee on regulating cable TV.

There being no further business, the motion to adjourn was passed (Iobst, Wallace).  The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Mary Ann Budahl, Clerk