Forest Hills Council Meeting 5-6-02

Village of Forest Hills Council Meeting

Monday, May 6, 2002

7:00 PM

University Inn


Mayor James Davis called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Village Council to order at 7:07 PM.  Present were Mayor Davis, Council members James Wallace, Joe Rossano, Dick Iobst, and Sue Burton; Financial Office Jim Weir; Attorney Jay Coward; Former Mayor Irene Hooper; Clerk Mary Ann Budahl; WRGC reporter Shaun Moss; and two Village residents.  Mayor Davis said a brief prayer and welcomed all present.


The minutes of the previous meeting held on April 1, 2002 were accepted as circulated (Iobst, Wallace) unanimously.


Mayor Davis administered the oath of office to newly appointed Councilperson Sue Burton, and she was warmly welcomed to the Council.


Mayor Davis proposed that a letter of commendation and thanks be composed and sent to Geoff Willett’s supervisor to show our appreciation for the monumental amount of time that he spent working with the Planning Board to draft the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance.  Motion to this effect (Iobst, Wallace) passed unanimously.  Sue Burton and Joe Rossano volunteered to help compose a letter that will be signed by the Mayor.


The DOT has again delayed the target date for placing the traffic light at the corner of North Country Club Drive and Hwy 107 until August according to Roger Ayers.  Mayor Davis will continue to urge them to expedite this process by using all available means of coercion.  A street sign at the entrance to Valhalla would cost between $50 and $75 and Mayor Davis will continue to attempt to contact Jim Kotila, owner of Valhalla apartments to place a more prominent sign at the entrance to his property.


The Mayor also spoke with Curt Wright, an engineer with the W K Dickson firm regarding the sewer feasibility project.  Mr. Wright was extremely cooperative, and gave the impression that a sewer system throughout the valley is entirely feasible.  Water is another matter entirely, and the cost would most likely be prohibitive.  He will send a report to the Council when his assessment is completed. 


The financial report was presented by Financial officer Jim Weir and accepted unanimously (Rossano, Iobst).


Former Mayor Irene Hooper reported on the progress that the EDC is making toward drafting an ordinance governing heavy industry in the County.  They are using a similar ordinance from Ashe County as a model, and have extended the moratorium on regulating “heavy industry” for another 30 days.


Joe Rossano reported that 12 of your neighbors turned out for the trash pick-up event held on April 20.  Among those who participated were Irene and Elmer Hooper, Ida Jenkins, Sue Burton, Fran and Joe Rossano, Ian Pritchard, David McCord and his son, and others. Mayor Davis reported that he is in contact with the Kappa Alpha fraternity to adopt North Country Club Drive as a service project.  Many, many thanks to all who participated in the litter pickup. 


Dick Iobst, the Zoning Administrator reported that he recently caused two advertising-type signs that were posted in the Village to be removed.  He also issued two zoning certificates for single-family residential dwellings that complied with our present zoning ordinance.  He also pointed out the ordinance governing off-street parking which specifies that each dwelling unit must accommodate parking spaces for two vehicles; that adequate space must be provided for turning so that backing into the street is not necessary; and that vehicles must not stop or park on any street that would block the flow of traffic.  These restrictions are found in Section 202 and 302 of the present Zoning Ordinance.  Residents are asked to observe these restrictions.


No report regarding the Southwestern Commission’s Regional Transportation organizational meeting.


Jim Wallace reported that no progress has been made in the matter of obtaining right-of-way on North Country Club Drive for eventual state maintenance.


Motion to set a public hearing regarding the budget proposal at the next regular meeting of the Village Council on June 3, 2002 (Iobst, Rossano) passed unanimously.  Appropriate notice will be posted in the Sylva Herald and copies of the proposed budget for FYE 6-30-03 will be placed at Hunter Library, the Sylva Library, and at the University Inn. 


Motion to set a public hearing regarding adoption of the proposed Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance for Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 7:00 PM at the Outreach Center, WCU (Wallace, Burton) passed unanimously..  Appropriate notice will be posted in the Sylva Herald and copies of the proposed Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance will be placed at Hunter Library, the Sylva Library, and at the University Inn. 


New Business: 


Discussion regarding possible locations for holding future meetings including the University Outreach Center, the University Inn, and the Jackson County Recreation Building that will be relocating near the Cullowhee Valley School.  No action was taken.  Former Mayor Hooper suggested that a letter welcoming the Recreation Department to our area be composed and sent.  She will undertake this project.


Ian Pritchard reported that the Smart Growth Committee report has been delayed.


Motion that the Village Council request the Jackson County Commissioners to administer their recently adopted communication tower ordinance within the confines of Forest Hills (Iobst, Wallace) passed unanimously.  Mayor Davis will present this to the County Commissioners at their next meeting.


Motion to extend the police presence throughout the Village on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights between 11:00 PM and 2:00 AM for another two months (Wallace, Iobst) passed.


There being no further business, the Mayor called for a motion to adjourn.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM (Rossano, Iobst).


Mary Ann Budahl
