Forest Hills Continued Council Meeting 1-14-02

Village of Forest Hills

Continued Council Meeting

Monday, January 14, 2002

7:00 PM

University Inn


Present:  Mayor James Davis; Councilmen Dick Iobst, Jim Wallace, Harold Williford, and Joe Rossano; Clerk Mary Ann Budahl; Attorney Jay Coward; Sylva Herald reporter Rose Hooper; and approximately 22 residents and friends of the Village.


Mayor Davis called the meeting, continued from January 7, 2002 to order at 7:00 PM.  He welcomed all to this public hearing and explained that the matter to be discussed was that of establishment of a temporary moratorium for issuing building permits in the ETJ area. 


The first and only person who registered to speak was Mr. James Hooper, owner of the 13 acre property adjoining Hwy 107 and North Country Club Drive that he wishes to develop into Cox Center, a hotel/conference, apartment/condominium, restaurant, gas-grocery complex.  Mr. Hooper stated that he opposes the moratorium, and, in fact, any restraints of this nature.  He stated that he will work with the Planning Board, but he felt that this type of legislation would be a deterrent to any building in the County.


Mayor Davis reiterated that all of the Council and Planning Board meetings are open to the public, and everyone is encouraged to participate.  This was echoed by Dick Iobst.


Former Mayor Irene Hooper asked if a six-month period was necessary for the moratorium.  Perhaps three months, or maybe none was needed.  Mayor Davis stated that the League of Municipalities advised that we proceed in this manner.


In answer to a question whether this moratorium affected only the ETJ area, Jim Wallace responded that the Village of Forest Hills has zoning regulations in place, so would not be governed by this moratorium.  He further stated that the wishes of long-time residents who desire that this area should remain residential must be considered. 


There being no further discussion regarding this matter, the motion to institute a six-month moratorium on issuing building permits in the ETJ area passed unanimously.  (Wallace, Iobst)


Move to adjourn (Wallace, Iobst).  The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM.


Mary Ann Budahl

Village Clerk