May 2014



ATTENDEES                                                ABSENT

RICK CARDONA                                          MARK TEAGUE

TODD COLLINS                                            JANIE PRENTICE

JAYNE BUCHANAN                                      KENT BRIGGS

Rick presented slide show from the recommendations of Jamie, Todd & Rick’s research for the master plane of the village to the council.


Clark suggested he would like to include the greater part of the Cullowhee area and Forest Hills for a joint type forum for that the communities would like to see as growth for the future.


Kolleen suggest we take these bullet point to discuss at our next meeting

  • Growth rate
  • Community involvement
  • Road maintenance
  • Volunteers for contact for road issues
  • Defining roads for Powell bill funds
  • Increased police protection based on growth
  • Scheduled review of policies and procedures


Clark presented April meeting Planning board issues and suggestions to the council that the planning board had requested.

Approved ordering planning board books

Approved organization of clean-up day in fall


Discussion of whether there was a need to respond to Chris Green concerning his “intentions concerning valley”


Adjourned @ 8:26 pm