Forest Hills Council Meeting & Public Hearing 7-7-03

Council Meeting & Public Hearing

July 7, 2003

7:00 PM

Jackson County Recreation Center


Mayor Jim Davis called the regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills Council to order at 7:05 PM.  In attendance were: Mayor Jim Davis, Councilpersons Sue Burton, Dick Iobst, Joe Rossano, and Jim Wallace; Attorney Jay Coward; Financial Officer Jim Weir; Assistant Clerk Ruth Roman; Former Mayor Irene Hooper; and ten Village residents and guests.


Mayor Davis said a short prayer asking guidance and wisdom, and then welcomed all in attendance.  The minutes for the meetings of May and June were approved as written (Iobst, Wallace).  Jim Weir, Financial Officer presented the Financial Report.  He summarized this, the last report for this fiscal year, as showing actual income of $40,687 (budgeted amount was $38,100).  Expenditures were fairly in line with the budget with the exception of the street maintenance item where Powell Bill funds of $27,535 were used and just $5000 was budgeted.  Actual balances as of 6/30/03 were $57,552 in Money Market accounts; and $6043 in checking.  Powell Bill funds total approximately $4000.  The Financial Report was accepted unanimously (Iobst, Burton)


Mayor Davis then explained the purpose of holding this Open Meeting:  for consideration of the Jackson County ordinances that comply with the Hazard Mitigation Plan to be adopted by Council to be effective within the Village.  The Ordinances involve Flood Plain, Soil Erosion, Water Shed, and Sedimentation Control.  Also to be considered is a Hazardous Material Ordinance for Forest Hills.  Sign-up sheets for persons wishing to speak publicly regarding these matters were available, and Mayor Davis asked if anyone attending wished to speak.  No one expressed a desire to speak, and therefore he asked for a motion to adopt these Ordinances as prepared by the Jackson County Council.  Motion to adopt the Emergency Management Ordinance as provided by the Emergency Management office for Forest Hills was adopted unanimously (Iobst, Wallace).  Motion to adopt the Ordinances involving Flood Damage Prevention, Soil Erosion, Water Shed Protection, and Sedimentation Control, and to authorize Mayor Davis to request the Jackson County Commissioners enforce these ordinances (Iobst, Rossano) passed unanimously.


Former Mayor Irene Hooper reported that at a recent meeting of the Economic Development Commission a Retreat was planned in September for the members at which they will be discussing numerous items of importance to the citizens of Jackson County.  Jim Wallace reported on the Greenway Commission.


Gene Tweedy reported on the Road Committee and the connecter-road specifically.  Dick Iobst pointed out that Powell Bill funds cannot be used for maintenance of any roadway less than 15 feet wide, so this will have to be addressed in the future.  Discussion involving damage to the road surface caused by some heavy equipment that was recently moved over North Country Club Drive and what liability of the perpetrators is involved. 


Dick Iobst reported on a proposal made by Village resident Ruth Shuler to publish a monthly newsletter about activities and items of interest to the residents of Forest Hills. Another idea proposed was an interactive website for and about Forest Hills.  No action was taken at this time.


Marcia Kotila, representing Valhalla asked about the procedure to request a zoning variance.  It was explained that she could petition the Zoning Administrator, Dick Iobst.


There being no further business, the motion to adjourn was was passed unanimously (Rossano, Iobst).  The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.


Mary Ann Budahl

Village Clerk