Forest Hills Council Meeting 6-2-03

Village of Forest Hills

Council Meeting

June 2, 2003

7:00 PM

Jackson County Recreation Center


Mayor Jim Davis called the regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills Council to order at 7:05 PM.  In attendance were: Mayor Jim Davis, Councilpersons Sue Burton, Dick Iobst and Jim Wallace; Financial Officer Jim Weir and one Village resident.


Motion was made and seconded (Burton/Wallace) to appoint Dick Iobst as clerk for this meeting, motion passed unanimously.


Mayor Davis called for a motion to approve the minutes of the May meeting.  It was discovered that the wrong set of minutes was given out for approval at this meeting.  A motion was made and seconded (Iobst/Wallace) to wait until the July meeting to consider the approval of the May minutes.  Motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Davis reported that an open meeting is scheduled tonight for the purpose of approving the proposed budget for fiscal year ending June 2004.  He called for discussion or comments on the proposed budget from the floor; however, due to the fact that no one was in attendance there were no comments or questions from the floor.  Mr. Davis asked council for a motion to approve the proposed budget for fiscal year ending June 2004.  Motion was made and seconded (Iobst, Burton).  Discussion from council ensued concerning Powell Bill and Ad Valorem funds being designated for Street Maintenance and Street Improvements.  $3,000 will come from Powell Bill funds; $10,000 will come from ad valorem taxes and other income.  It was noted that there will be a municipal election in November 2003 to decide the seats for the Mayor and for two council members (Joe Rossano and Sue Burton).  Therefore, $900 has been budgeted for this expense.  There being no further questions or comments concerning the budget, the motion to approve the budget for Fiscal Year Ending 6/04 as amended was passed unanimously.


Mayor Davis reported that he, former Mayor Irene Hooper, and Tom McClure of the Economic Development Council met with Dave Stewart who is trying to develop the golf course.   The EDC liked the idea that 12 part-time jobs would be created, mostly in maintenance.  A grant from the EDC would most likely be a short-term investment, probably two years, before Mr. Stewart could get a commercial bank loan to do long-term improvements on the golf course.   However, the project remains on shaky ground at this point, at least until Mr Stewart secures $250,000.


Jim Weir reported that lightning struck his computer while he was out of town last month, so he did not have specific income and expenditure figures; however he estimated that $1000 was spent last month, leaving a balance of roughly $64,000.  The motion to accept the financial report as reported (Iobst, Wallace) was passed unanimously.


There were no reports from liaisons regarding various County meetings.  Mayor Davis reported that the Greenway Committee is extending its network closer to Forest Hills, and in so doing, the DOT is probably going to put up a pedestrian signal at the intersection of Forest Hills and the campus of WCU within the next year or two.  


Joe Rossano attended a meeting at WCU regarding the mandatory Hazard Mitigation Plan which all municipalities are now required to have on file with the State.  Mayor Davis proposed adopting Jackson County’s Flood Plain Ordinance, Watershed Ordinance, Soil and Erosion Ordinance, and Hazardous Materials Ordinance.  Motion to hold a Public Hearing regarding adoption of these Ordinances to be held at the next regular meeting to be held on July 7, 2003, with copies of the Jackson County ordinances to be distributed to the Council members beforehand (Burton, Wallace) passed unanimously.  Dick Iobst will see to preparing a notice for the Legal section of the Sylva Herald. 


Mayor Davis reported that Forest Hills, as a member of the Jackson County Solid Waste Committee, has been asked to approve the Resolution to Improve the Jackson County Solid Waste Management Plan – Three-Year Update.  Mayor Davis read the resolution; motion to approve (Wallace, Iobst) passed unanimously.    Mayor Davis reported that Jackson County has not reached its recycling goal that was set eight years ago due to the fact that only 4% of solid waste is recycled.  Starting in July a new recycling plan will be in operation:  cans and bottles will go in one bin; everything else with the exception of corrugated cardboard will go in another.  The necessity of recycling was stressed, and the threat of pay-as-you-go was discussed.   Sue Burton stated that the necessity for recycling and the problem of littering is now being addressed starting in kindergarten.


The Planning Board will have two vacancies (Sally James and John Adams are rotating off).  Motion to reappoint Mike Germano, the ETJ representative, and to appoint Joe Roman, a new resident to succeed Sally James (Iobst, Wallace) passed unanimously.  It is unclear whether John Adams will wish to remain on the Planning Board at this time.


Mayor Davis requested  a representative from Forest Hills to attend a meeting with the other municipalities in the County  regarding how they can resume receiving tax money from the cable franchise.   Jim Wallace agreed to attend.


Mayor Davis reported that he has talked to the DOT regarding some concerns about the traffic signal. 

1.       Regulation of the flashing properties:  nothing can be done about this at present due to the fact that there is currently a study being conducted state-wide because of a higher incidence of traffic accidents happening during the flashing periods. 

2.     The signal is currently considered to be a “Smart Light” on a three-phase cycle, rotating at a 90-second interval between Forest Hills, WCU, and Hwy 107, unless a vehicle hits an extension which would cause the light to extend another 90 seconds.  However, the DOT will investigate the sensors to verify that they are working properly.

3.     The DOT will check the right-of-way issue involving cars cutting across the corner to the road leading to the Summit Apartments and since no guard rail is imminent , they will consider landscaping to discourage cars from crossing over this unsightly and dangerous corner.  Jim Davis will check into this matter further, since these are both state maintained roads.


Mayor Davis reported that the sheriff patrols are being resumed on a two random days per week basis Thursday through Saturday as previously voted upon.


Motion to ask Ruth Shuler to attend the next Council meeting to outline her ideas involving the publication and distribution of a newsletter to Village residents passed unanimously. (Iobst, Burton)


Motion to adjourn (Burton, Wallace) passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.


Mary Ann Budahl
