Forest Hills Council Meeting 1-6-03

Village of Forest Hills

Council Meeting

Monday, January 6, 2003

7:00 PM

Jackson County Recreation Center


Mayor Jim Davis called the regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills Council to order at 7:10 PM.  In attendance were Councilpersons Sue Burton, Dick Iobst, Joe Rossano, and Jim Wallace; Financial Officer Jim Weir; Attorney Jay Coward; Clerk Mary Ann Budahl; four residents of the Village.  Mayor Davis welcomed all in attendance and said a brief prayer.  He then asked if there were corrections to the minutes of the December 2nd meeting.  There being none, the minutes were approved (Iobst, Burton).  Clerk Budahl asked and received permission to email the transcribed minutes to the Council members a day or two after the meeting, and if no comments were received after a week, then the minutes would be sent to the entire Forest Hills email list with the understanding that they are not officially approved until the following meeting. 


Jim Weir presented the financial report which showed a balance of $53,489.00.  Two revenue items noted were ad valorem taxes - $2958.00, and sales tax - $1106.00 Expenses last month included police protection - $540.00, and road maintenance - $550.00.   The report was accepted unanimously (Burton, Iobst).  On the subject of police protection, the Council voted to reduce deputy patrol to two randomly staggered nights per week until April 1 when the subject will be revisited.  (Iobst, Wallace)


No report regarding the EDC Committee.  Mayor Davis commented on the Holiday Gala which everyone agreed was a rousing success with lovely decorations, wonderful food, and good fellowship.  Incidentally, the winners of the outdoor decorations contest were:  First place:  Miguel and Jane Macias; Second place:  Gloria and Jim Wallace; Third place:  Elizabeth and Ralph Tedder; and Special Recognition for Child Appeal:  Melanie and David McCord.  Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks to all the Forest Hills residents who brightened our neighborhood with holiday lights and decorations.  And thanks again to Perry Kelly who judged the contest.


Gene Tweedy spoke on behalf of the Planning Board.  He stated that the sewer and water project has been placed on a “long-term basis.”  As to the sign at the entrance to the Village, the Council members felt that a lighted sign which could be viewed from both directions of Hwy 107 would be desirable.  Another item that the Planning Board is charged with is beautification of the entrance to the Village.  Mayor Davis reported that the January Planning Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 23 since the Recreation Department will be closed on Monday the 22nd due to the Martin Luther King holiday. 


Mark Ellison, a resident of South Country Club Drive asked to be heard regarding an ongoing problem he is having with the rented log houses at the end of the valley that are owned by Bruce Green.  He stated that the odor of a backed up septic system on Mr. Green’s property is becoming untenable, and asked for the Council’s recommendation.  He was advised to contact the County Board of Health to report this offence.

On the subject of rental property, it was noted that the situation involving trash that had been collecting at the apartments west of the motel has been alleviated somewhat , but several residents are dismayed at the haphazard appearance of the parking lot at this location, and at the sign which has been hanging at an odd angle.  Dick Iobst, our Zoning Administrator will contact the owner of these apartments to rectify this situation.  The Council is compiling a list of potential ordinances, such as firing a gun within the Village, appearance of all public vehicular parking areas, noise and nuisance control, etc.  This will be discussed in greater depth at the next meeting.  Attorney Coward stated that he has instructed his paralegal to research the easement between North and South Country Club Roads to determine ownership.


Motion to appoint Jim Wallace to represent Forest Hills at the Greenway Commission (Burton, Iobst) passed unanimously.  The monthly meetings are held on the first Tuesday at the Justice Center at 12:00 noon.


Mayor Davis referred a letter from John C Sugg who represents Municipal Engineering, a competitor of the W K Dickson Engineering Firm, to Gene Tweedy of the Planning Board. 


Mayor Davis read a letter from the Department of Transportation involving school zone flashers on Hwy 107.  Since a turning lane has been constructed recently, the hazardous traffic situation seems to have been alleviated, so no further action will be taken at this time.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P.M.  (Rossano, Iobst) 


Mary Ann Budahl, clerk