Forest Hills Council Meeting 3-3-03

Village of Forest Hills

Council Meeting

Monday, March 3, 2003

7:00 PM

Jackson County Recreation Center


Mayor Jim Davis called the regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills Council to order at 7:05 PM.  In attendance were Mayor Davis; Councilpersons Sue Burton, Dick Iobst, and Jim Wallace; Financial Officer Jim Weir; Clerk Mary Ann Budahl, former Mayor Irene Hooper; two members of the Planning Board, and two residents of the Village.


The minutes of the previous meeting of February 3, 2003 were unanimously approved as circulated.  (Iobst, Burton)  The financial report was unanimously accepted as circulated (Iobst, Wallace).  Jim Weir pointed out that total revenues for the month were $8072.00; expenditures were $1302.00.  Powell Bill funds remaining:  approximately $4000.00.  Jim Weir reported that he is researching an audit firm that would charge a lower fee. 


On the subject of roads, it was pointed out that cars have been seen cutting across the mud section near the Hwy 107 intersection with North Country Club Drive.  For this reason, it is felt that a guard rail should be installed to prevent this potentially dangerous situation.  Former Mayor Irene Hooper is in contact with Conrad Burrell who is on the DOT Board regarding this matter, and Ron Watson of the local DOT.  It was also noted that the stop light has a very short cycle on the left turn mode, and a long wait until it comes around again.  Jim Wallace and Dick Iobst will draw up a list of suggestions regarding the cycling of the traffic light, and Mayor Davis will be in contact with Roger Ayers of the DOT regarding this.


Herman Lieberman, a member of the Planning Board asked about the proposed sign at the entrance to the Village.  He was told that the Dillard family owns the land that is projected for its placement and it is valued at approximately $500.00.  Mr. Lieberman offered to call Kitty Dillard to get her feelings on this.  The Planning Board will research a large, lighted permanent sign. 


Irene Hooper attended and reported on the regional conference for economic development that was recently held at WCU.  Jim Wallace also attended, and commented on the numerous areas of the county that are becoming eye-sores due to the lack of zoning.  It was also noted that large piles of brush are also being dumped at various locations in the Village.


Gene Tweedy reported that Don Stewart, the proposed developer of the golf course spoke to the Planning Board and discussed, among other things, a sewer system extending the length of the valley which would serve both the golf course and the Village.  The Council felt that it was in the best interests of the Village that we cooperate in any way possible with Mr. Stewart, and items such as tax incentives, grants, etc. were discussed.  Motion that Ms. Hooper ask Tom McClure, an economic development specialist to meet with the Council as soon as possible to discuss tax incentives, etc.  (Iobst, Wallace) passed unanimously. 


Another concern of Mr. Stewart’s is the placement of the pump house at the end of the valley and whether it could be relocated.  Mayor Davis will contact CWS to appraise them of the situation and to put them in contact with Don Stewart.


It was noted that litter is collecting again at the apartments on North Country Club Drive.  Dick Iobst will check into it.  Also, the situation of the noise nuisance on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays was raised.  It was surmised that the party-goers have access to a police scanner, since the noise level seems less just after it is reported and before the sheriff’s patrol arrives.  Motion to invite newly-elected sheriff, Jimmy Ashe to our next meeting, and to invite residents who are particularly bothered by the noise to attend as well.  (Iobst, Wallace) Passed unanimously.  Irene Hooper will contact Mr. Ashe by letter to extend the invitation.  We will publicize the meeting on the internet to encourage attendance.


Mayor Davis read a statement proclaiming the week of April 27 to May 3 to be Municipal Clerk week.  He and the members of the Village of Forest Hills Council warmly thanked the Village Clerk for her work, and she in return, thanked the Mayor, the Council, and former Mayor Irene Hooper for their support.  Motion that the Village pay for dinner for Mary Ann and Lee to show recognition and thanks passed unanimously.  (Burton, Iobst)


The Budget Committee consisting of Chairman Dick Iobst, Jim Weir, Sue Burton and Gene Tweedy was named.  The budget must be presented at a public hearing and approved by the Council before June 30.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:34 PM.


Mary Ann Budahl, Clerk