Forest Hills Council Meeting 5-5-03

Council Meeting

Monday, May 5, 2003

Jackson County Recreation Center


The regular meeting of the Council of Forest Hills was called to order by Mayor Jim Davis at 7:10 PM.  In attendance were Councilpersons Jim Wallace, Sue Burton, Dick Iobst, and Joe Rossano; Former Mayor Irene Hooper; Financial Officer Jim Weir; Attorney Jay Coward; Clerk Mary Ann Budahl; and five Village residents.  Mayor Davis opened the meeting with a brief prayer.


The minutes of the preceding meeting were accepted unanimously with one correction:  the matter of discharging firearms within the Village was discussed, not decided.   (Wallace, Iobst)  The financial report was unanimously accepted as presented by Jim Weir.  (Iobst, Wallace)   Jim Weir distributed copies of the proposed budget for FYE 6/04 which was compiled by the Budget Committee consisting of Chairman Dick Iobst, Sue Burton, Gene Tweedy, and Jim Weir.  The Budget will be discussed at a public hearing that will coincide with the next Council meeting on June 2, 2003.  Copies of the proposed budget have been placed at the University Inn and at the Jackson County Public Library.   Mayor Davis questioned the $5000.00 bill he received for dues to the EDC and wondered if this was not exorbitant.  Motion to pay $500.00 (the same as last year) passed unanimously.  (Iobst, Burton.)


In regard to the connector road:  Sue Burton reported that Gene Tweedy had received two bids on a nine feet wide roadway with a good base consisting of stone and gravel, including all necessary culverts, drainage ditches, and trimming of trees to extend from the A-frame rental house to the Pearson house (approximately 300 feet).  Motion to accept bids on this project as stated above passed unanimously (Wallace, Iobst)


Motion to suspend deputy patrol for two weeks (May 12th to May 29th) passed unanimously.  (Wallace, Iobst)  Sue Burton reported on an incident which occurred near the water tower around April 30th.  She observed two men walking around the water tower at 12:15 AM with flashlights, so she called the police to report it.  The police were on the scene for approximately one hour, although no report was forthcoming.   Citizens have been asked by the utility company to help maintain the security of drinking water systems by calling the police and the water company if suspicious activity is noted.


Ms. Irene Hooper reported that Tom McClure and Tamara Crisp have been checking into revenue bonds and contingency bonds that might be used in the development of the proposed golf course renovation.  They would like to attend the meeting next month with this information.  An invitation will be presented to one or both by Ms. Hooper.    She also reported on the Greening of the Mountains parade held recently during which Mayor and Mrs. Davis and Former Mayor Hooper participated. 


Jim Wallace reported that Dale Brotherton has been accepted as the third member representing Forest Hills on the Greenway Commission.


Herman Lieberman, representing the Planning Board initiated discussion regarding the small parcel of land belonging to Kitty Dillard that the Village would like to use for a Village sign.  Sue Burton will be in contact with Ms. Dillard about this.


Mayor Davis introduced Ruth Roman.  She and her husband, Joe are new residents to the Village, and are both very interested in contributing their many talents to the Village of Forest Hills.  Ms. Roman has, in fact, already agreed to fill the vacancy of Assistant Village Clerk, for which the Clerk is extremely grateful.    Joe has been a city planner in Florida for many years. 


Attorney Coward continues to work on the wording of the proposed amendments and additions to the Zoning Ordinance.  Jim Wallace asked that single rental units in houses occupied by the owners be excluded from the proposed noise ordinance since they have been grandfathered in.   Still to be considered, also is an ordinance regarding discharging of fire arms within the Village.  Several Village residents were disturbed on a recent Sunday by the sounds of guns being shot.  This at present is not against a Village Ordinance, but nonetheless is unsettling to our neighbors.


Jim Wallace read an Intergovernmental Resolution regarding Duke Power and the Tuckasegee River that will be discussed at the upcoming Greenways Commission meeting.  No action was  taken at this time.


Charles Burton has donated a sign, “Welcome to Forest Hills” that will be placed in the information box at the University Inn.  Thank you, Charles.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.  (Iobst, Rossano)


Mary Ann Budahl
