March Minutes 2005
MARCH 7, 2005
Council Members Present: Jim Davis, Sue Burton, Richard Iobst, Jim Wallace.
Council Member Absent: Joe Rossano
Others Present: Jay Coward, Ruth Roman, Jim Weir, Charlie Burton, Cary King
Mayor Davis, after a brief prayer, called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. and asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the February 7, 2005 council meeting. Motion was made/seconded and unanimous to approve the minutes as submitted with reminder to clerk to strike titles of Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms. of those on the council when recording motions in the minutes in order to comply with procedure previously adopted by council (Iobst/Burton).
Mayor Davis called for the following committee reports:
1. FINANCE: Jim Weir reported that the Village has $61,263.00 cash on hand, of which approximately $18,000.00 is Powell Bill Funds. He reported that Ad Valorem taxes collected totals $22,374.00, and he predicts that approximately $24-25,000 will be collected in ad valorem revenue by fiscal year-end, which is more than what was budgeted. He reported, however, that expenditures are also over budget, but that overall the budget is right on target. Motion to accept the financial report was unanimously approved (Iobst/Burton). There is question as to whether University Inn has been placed on the Village tax rolls, and this will be researched.
2. LIAISON COMMITTEE: Sue Burton reported that no meeting has been held due to the fact that the student representative has not yet been replaced. She is hopeful to have a replacement by the end of the year.
3. EDC: No report.
4. PLANNING: No report
HAZARD MITIGATION PROGRAM: Jim Davis called for a motion to approve to accept and submit the Hazard Mitigation Program, which was approved at the February meeting pending the review of Sue Burton and Dick Iobst. Motion to approve and accept and submit the Hazard Mitigation Program was unanimously approved (Iobst/Burton). Jim Davis will send notice to Mr. Mike Ensley.
Village of Forest Hills Council Minutes
Page 2
March 7, 2005
LITTER SWEEP: After discussion regarding Ordinances now in effect that require property owners to pick up litter on their property and what affect a volunteer litter sweep would have on this ordinance and the citations thereof, a motion was made to set the official Litter Sweep date as April 23, with a rain date of April 30 (Iobst), motion was amended (Burton) to limit the litter sweep to the front entrance of the village for the sake of the common good. Motion passed 3-1 with Burton, Davis and Iobst in favor, and Wallace opposing.
1, Multi-Jurisdictional Meeting (Tuesday, April 5, 2005): The Village of Forest Hills will serve as host to this meeting at the Jackson County Justice Center where all the city Mayors and heads of colleges and universities meet to report on what is happening and being planned for their communities. The Village will provide the refreshments; Jim Davis will contact someone to cater this.
2. Budget Committee: Mayor Davis reported that a Budget Committee has to be appointed in order to ratify the next fiscal year’s budget by June 30 of this year. In keeping with the rules and regulations of the Village, he appointed Dick Iobst, Sue Burton, Jim Wallace and Jim Weir and Gene Tweedy to serve on this committee.
There being no further regular business at approximately 7:50 p.m. Dick Iobst, citing GS 143318.11 governing closed sessions, motioned to go into closed session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation between the Village of Forest Hills and The Summit Apartments in Cullowhee, motion was seconded (Wallace) and passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted by:
Ruth Roman, Town Clerk