April 2016
The Council meeting for the Village of Forest Hills was held at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 6:00pm on April 05, 2016.
The following members of the Council were present:
Mayor Kolleen Begley
Councilmember Ron Mau
Councilmember Carl Hooper
Councilmember Clark Corwin
Councilmember Debbie Rowland
The following Non-Council members were present:
David Moore, Attorney
Stephanie Gibson, Clerk
Jim Wallace, Homeowner
William & Georgia Newsom, Homeowners
Lee Budahl, Homeowner
Kristy Carter, J.M. Teague Engineering & Planning via speaker phone
Work Session
- Call to order: The work session was called to order at 6:05 pm by Mayor Kolleen Begley
- Review memo from Kristy Carter:
- Future Land Use Map discussion: Mayor Begley stated the goal is to have the proper framework in place for any potential future development the Village may be presented with to ensure it fits the vision of the Village. She then opened up the discussion for the board to ask Kristy any questions they had for her.
Kristy Carter stated that in 2005, the General Assembly updated the Planning Statutes requiring Statements of Consistency from local governments when making changes to their zoning. The Statements of Consistency would reference whether or not the request is in line with the Village’s Future Land Use Map and Guiding Land Use Plan. She noted that the Future Land Use Map is a statement of desired future plans. If an application is submitted requesting re-zoning, the Planning Board will have to look at the request and determine if the request is in line with the Future Land Use Map. Mayor Begley said that the Planning Board would be required to write a Statement of Consistency whether the request was approved or not and why.
Kristy noted that she will need to know if the minimum lot size is what the Village wants to stick with and also, in reference to subdivisions - does the Village need additional regulations. Kristy stated that design standards will be discussed at the Planning Board sessions and that everyone is welcome to attend.
As for the Conditional Use Permit Application process, the Planning Board will follow the ordinances and standards put in place. For Mixed-Use development requests, a conditional/special use permit is required; a quasi-judicial process is required with a statement of desired condition.
The Future Land Use Map is different than the Zoning Map. The Zoning Map is adopted law where you follow the rules in the zoning ordinances. The basis for decision making policy for rezoning in the future is so the public has an opportunity to comment.
Councilmember Mau asked if the Protest Petition Law is still in effect, Kristy said that she thinks they may have done away with it, she will send a copy to Mayor Begley to forward to the Council.
Council Meeting
- Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Mayor Kolleen Begley.
- Announcements: Reminders; May’s Council meeting will be May 10th
April 13th 2:00 – 6:00 Planning Board session at SW Commission
May 25th 1:00 – 5:00 Planning Board session at SW Commission
The Whee Famer’s Market opens today, running weekly on Tuesdays through the season
- Approval of Agenda: Mayor Begley asked that a closed session discussion with the Village attorney be added to the agenda. Councilmember Rowland made a motion to approve the agenda; Councilmember Corwin seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
- Approval of Meeting Minutes from the March 01, 2016 Council Meeting: Councilmember Rowland made a motion to approve Council meeting minutes with additions; Councilmember Corwin seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
- Acceptance of Financial Report & Checklist for the month of March, 2016: Councilmember Corwin made a motion to accept the Financial Report; Councilmember Mau seconded the motion; unanimously accepted.
- Public Comment/Public Hearing: Future Land Use Map (3 minute limit per person) – Georgia Newsom asked that more information be provided about public hearings, she would like to have notices by mail, she said it would be helpful if the Land Use Map had been mailed out. She would like to see more public input and information on the subject before land use decisions are made; she prefers serenity and would not want to see extensive development.
Jim Wallace thanked the Council for their work but noted that that he really wasn’t sure what the hearing was about. He noted that residents bought into the Village for a reason and feels that they should have notices sent by mail since some homeowners do not have computers and internet access.
- Vote on adoption of proposed Future Land Use Map: Councilman Corwin noted that the information has been discussed at length in various meetings over the past 2 years and encouraged more resident participation. Discussion from the board revolved around the process and input that led to the updated Future Land Use Map. Council voted on the Future Land Use Map and it was unanimously adopted.
2) 5K Resolution – Mayor Begley provided a Resolution to satisfy new regulations the NCDOT is requiring for events that may affect traffic on the travel lanes on the state-maintained roads. Councilmember Rowland made a motion to accept the Resolution; Councilmember Hooper seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
3) Closed Session with Attorney – Councilmember Mau made a motion that Council go into closed session pursuant to statute 143-381.11, subsection A, Councilmember Hooper seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
- Reports
- Mayor’s Report: Kolleen Begley - Mayor Begley said that there was one ordinance violation, a party that got out of hand on South Country Club Drive. She said she received a text from the Village Ordinance Administrator, Ken Dickert, and calls from a couple of other neighbors near the party. Ken called the police and the attendees stopped the noise temporarily but then resumed and the police had to be called again. Mayor Begley spoke with the property owner and he spoke with the renters. Mayor Begley will follow up with the property owner and renters to discuss a fine or other remedies.
Mayor Begley asked Attorney Moore about the fines assessed for the property cleanup on North Country Club Drive by Helping Hands; he said that he will file a lien for the Village to potentially get funds reimbursed.
Mayor Begley shared that she received an email from someone interested in potentially buying the University Inn; she later spoke with him on the phone and directed him to the section on zoning ordinances and maps on the Village website. She noted that she has not heard back from him as of yet.
- Safety: Carl Hooper - Councilmember Hooper said that there were a couple of citations issued for speeding. He said an officer will be available for the 5K on April 16th. RPO – he said that Ed Green with DOT gave an update on local projects and completion dates for some of them.
- Roads: Debbie Rowland – Councilmember Rowland said she called Wes Jamison with DOT and they filled the potholes per her request. She called CWS water (Utilities, Inc.) and has not heard back. She called B.H. Graning regarding the guardrail project and he gave her an estimate of approximately $4,000. The Council asked that she pass along this information to the Shapiros. Councilmember Rowland provided an estimate for signage coming up and down Caves Springs Road, safety signs reading “caution when snowy/icy.” Councilmember Mau made a motion to approve the quote and get the signs for Caves Springs Road; Councilmember Hooper seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
Councilmember Mau said that the NCC sign by the University Inn is gone; he said that the Pin Cushion sign fell; he said that he would try to repair and put it back up. Mayor Begley said that she will get a quote for the signage on NCC drive that is gone.
- Jackson County CTP: Ron Mau – Councilmember Mau said that at the last meeting, the new Planning Director came and they went over the ordinances for Jackson County. He noted that the next meeting will be held tomorrow.
- Planning Board: Clark Corwin - Councilmember Corwin said that Mr. Jack Brown, an ETJ resident, is willing to become a new member of the Planning Board, he has attended the last couple meetings, he noted that there was not a quorum at the last meeting so Commissioners will vote on his approval on April 7th and he can get sworn in after that.
- Unfinished Business:
- Paving Schedule: Review updated quotes & funds available, schedule the 2016 projects – Mayor Begley provided updated quotes and reviewed funds available for paving. Councilmember Mau figured rates per square footage and noted that two companies had not included aprons that blend into the driveway. He noted that aprons are not needed on unpaved driveways but said that it needs to be clarified how much less the one quote that did include the aprons would be. Updates to the quotes will be brought to the next meeting.
Mayor Begley noted the property revaluations are not finalized but that she had obtained the revaluations as is from the County so the Budget Committee could work from those figures.
10. New Business:
- Community Event/s: Councilmember Rowland suggested having a community event in July, setting up tents and advertising in advance to schedule a pot luck picnic/dinner. Mayor Begley said that the Council would have to get permission from Mr. Hooper, the property owner to set up the tents and hold the event. Councilmember Corwin suggested having a booth at the event if possible that would be for sharing information for Forest Hills residents. He said he know some people he could ask about providing musical entertainment. Further discussion will be brought forward to the next meeting.
- Municipal Attorney Search – will bring forward to next meeting (Councilmember Corwin noted that if a Municipal Attorney is needed, they can be used in addition to the Village Attorney.)
11. Additional Public Comment: None
12. Adjourn: At 8:25pm Councilmember Mau made a motion to adjourn; Councilmember Corwin seconded the motion, unanimously approved.