Joint Meeting Council/Planning Board June 2016
The Planning Board and Council joint meeting for the Village of Forest Hills was held at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 6:00 pm on June 06, 2016.
The following members of the Planning Board were present:
Lee Budahl
Steve Brown
Nilofer Couture
Jack Brown
The following Council members were present:
Kolleen Begley
Debbie Rowland
Clark Corwin
Ron Mau
The following Non-Planning Board members were present:
Kristy Carter, J.M. Teague Engineering & Planning
- Call to order: Mayor Begley called the special Council meeting to order at 6:15 pm.
Attendees: Clark Corwin, Ron Mau, Kolleen Begley, Debbie Rowland, and Kristy Carter
Absent: Carl Hooper
- Proposed Ordinance Changes: Kristy went over the proposed ordinance changes, starting with Section 601 which explains the incorporated conditional zoning.
- Call to order: Jack Brown called the Planning Board meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Attendees: Jack Brown, Steve Brown, Nilofer Couture, and Lee Budahl.
Absent: Jayne Buchanan
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes from March 21, 2016 and April 13, 2016, and May 25, 2016 Planning Board Workshops/Meetings: Steve made a motion to table reviewing the minutes from the March, April, and May
3. Ordinance Discussion: Kristy discussed proposed ordinance changes and design standards. Kolleen noted that the Village cannot dictate design standards for homes with three or more but can have input with homes for 1-2 or commercial.
Kristy noted that in April the Planning Board recommended changing the minimum lot size to 1 acre with sewer and backup drain fill and ½ acre if on public water and sewer, this would include R1 – R-3 but not R-4.
Steve made a motion that that the Planning Board adopt the minimum lot size of ½ acre with public water and sewer and 1 acre lot without access to public system, R-1 – R-3.unanimously accepted.
4. New District Discussion: Kristy discussed materials and provided examples of a new zoning district, the Mixed Use Residential District.
Kristy said that her recommendation would be to go toward Conditional Zoning standards and review landscape and design standards.
Kristy discussed the Cullowhee Community Planning District as a reference and recommended that the Village adopt the Cullowhee Area landscaping Standards.
Kristy said the Village can add conditions they choose to Conditional Use Permits if they are reasonable and directly related to the project.
Kristy asked if the Planning Board if they are good with the direction. She noted that the standards are pulled from the Cullowhee Community Planning District.
Kristy said the Village cannot moderate but through Conditional Zoning if the Developer agrees, you can regulate design through a Homeowner’s Association.
She noted that the Planning Board’s job is to create the structure. Also, the Planning Board needs to request to see permits and proofs of compliance and not just take the word of a potential developer. TWSA would provide water and sewer for lots less than one acre.
Kristy discussed the potential allowed uses for development areas such as Café’s (with time limits, coffee shops, Community gardens and parks, general medical and government offices, and merchandise stores or lodging, etc.
Kristy asked members if they want her to say that rentals, Airbnb, & VRBO are not permitted. In a poll, 4 members voted in favor and 3 against.
Kristy shared that the Land Use Plan has a trail network through the plan, she asked what resources that the Village would contribute? Councilmember Corwin said that there are Grants that could be applied for to assist. Lee asked who would be in charge of maintaining the trail once a developer is finished. Mayor Begley said that the Village wants to be a more walkable community. Most members said that they would prefer sidewalks to trails.
5. Meetings and Public Hearings: The Planning Board discussed the timeline for their next meeting and voted to have the July meeting on July 11th, the meeting will be a public hearing for significant zoning changes. Members recommended having the meeting in a larger area, Nilofer agreed to contact Cullowhee Valley School to see if they would have a space available on that date and will follow up. The Council discussed having a special meeting and public hearing to vote on the zoning changes on July 25th, Nilofer will see if Cullowhee Valley School is available on that date as well. Once dates and locations of the meetings/public hearings are confirmed, they will be advertised on the website and in the Sylva Herald.
6. Adjourn: Jack made a motion to adjourn the Planning Board meeting at 8:40 pm, unanimously approved.
Councilmember Rowland made a motion to adjourn the Council meeting at 8:43, Councilmember Corwin seconded her motion, unanimously approved.