August 2016

AUGUST 02, 2016


The Council meeting for the Village of Forest Hills was held at the Southwestern Commission in Sylva at 6:00 pm on August 02, 2016. 


The following members of the Council were present:

Mayor Kolleen Begley

Councilmember Ron Mau

Councilmember Debbie Rowland

Councilmember Carl Hooper

Councilmember Clark Corwin


The following Non-Council members were present:

Stephanie Gibson, Clerk


  • Call to order:  The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm by Mayor Kolleen Begley.


  •  Announcements:   1)  September monthly Council meeting will be held at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 6:00pm


  • Approval of Agenda:  Councilmember Mau made a motion to approve the agenda with additions; Councilmember Hooper seconded the motion, unanimously approved.


  • Approval of Meeting Minutes:
  • June 6, 2016 Joint Planning Board/Council Meeting:  Councilmember Hooper made a motion to approve the Joint Planning Board/Council minutes, Councilmember Mau seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
  • July 5, 2016 Council Meeting:  Councilmember Corwin made a motion to approve the Council meeting minutes; Councilmember Hooper seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
  • July 25, 2016 Special Council Meeting & Public Hearing:  Councilmember Hooper made a motion to approve the Special Council & Public Hearing minutes, Councilmember Corwin seconded the motion, unanimously approved.


  • Acceptance of Financial Report & Checklist for the month of July, 2016:  Councilmember Hooper made a motion to accept the Financial Report; Councilmember Corwin seconded the motion; unanimously accepted. 
  • Stephanie noted that the Certified Statement and Expenditure Reports due to the NCDOT for the Powell Bill had been completed and submitted in July. 
  • Mayor Begley asked that Stephanie contact Victor Lofquist and request an electronic copy of the Powell Bill Map with the revised dates for the current fiscal year.


  • Public Comment:  None


  • Reports
  • Mayor’s Report:  Kolleen Begley.  Mayor Begley said that Rich Price asked for support from Jackson County municipalities in favor of a grant to help with additional towers in Jackson County to progress high-speed broadband internet connection, so Mayor Begley sent a letter from the Village of Forest Hills.  The street signage discussed at previous meetings is in and installed.  The paving project on Cave Springs Road by Parker Paving started last week and is scheduled to be completed this week.
  • Safety & RPO Board:  Carl Hooper.  Councilmember Hooper said there was one ticket written for speeding.  Council discussed having additional patrol hours and voted in favor of asking for extra patrol hours.  The next RPO Board meeting is scheduled on September 26th.
  • Roads:  Debbie Rowland. Councilmember Rowland asked Councilmember Hooper about the quote from Parker Paving to repair the pot holes throughout the Village indicated on her previous road reports, Councilmember Hooper said he would speak to Mr. Parker and see if he would agree to fill the pot holes while he was completing the paving project on Cave Springs Road.  Councilmember Rowland said that the pot hole across from Jerry Rice’s property was repaired by CWS Water System last week.

Councilmember Rowland said she felt that the “Meet Your Neighbor” event was a success and that around 50 people attended which was good considering the weather and that it was a first time event and that she had received positive feedback from residents who were interested in having another get together, maybe around the holidays.

  • Jackson County CTP:  Ron Mau.  Councilmember Mau said that they had a virtual meeting regarding objectives and goals for housing and that the main discussion was still around Travis Lewis applying for a grant to get 11 towers for the county for high-speed internet. 
  • Planning Board:  Clark Corwin. Councilmember Corwin asked the Council to define the next projects for the Planning Board.  Mayor Begley suggested checking with Kristy Carter at the next Planning Board meeting on August 15th.  She mentioned that Kristy was going to prepare a clean copy of the Village ordinances and that the clean revised copy needed to be uploaded to the website.  Councilmember Corwin mentioned the possibility of cataloging/codifying the ordinances and whether or not it would be beneficial and will discuss this with Kristy Carter.


  • Unfinished Business: 
  • Future Land Use Map:  Mayor Begley provided a copies of the Future Land Use Map and stated that the notation “Conditional Permit required” in the legend of that map needed to be removed in order for it to be consistent with the approved conditional zoning ordinance and said that she had spoken with Attorney Fox to clarify the procedure to do so and that a motion to approval that removal is needed from the Council.  Councilmember Rowland made a motion to amend the legend in the Future Land Use Map to remove the notation next to Mixed Use, Councilmember Mau seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
  • Village Entrance:  Mayor Begley gave an update on the new logo, new sign, and scaling back the landscaping to reduce ongoing maintenance costs as well as cleaning up the entrance.  She said that Ben Graning would provide digital options and ideas of how to landscape the entrance.  Mayor Begley said she had spoken to someone at WCU about students working on a sign or idea for a new logo.  Councilmember Rowland said that she knew someone at SCC in the Art Department and would speak to them about assisting with the project.


  • New Business:
  • ROW Tree Trimming:  Councilmember Rowland said that Mike Pressley had expressed interest in doing roadside tree trimming in the Village on non-state maintained roads.  Council asked that Mr. Pressley submit a quote or proposal and agreed to get a second quote from B.H. Graning.  Council discussed this tree trimming and agreed that the Fire Chief, Tim Green, should be contacted and asked for recommendations or guidelines for trimming which the requested quotes should be based on.
  • Supplies for “Meet Your Neighbor Event”:  Councilmember Rowland submitted receipts for the tent and supplies that she purchased for the event, the tent cost of $175.99, had previously been approved by the Council, the additional expenses of $104.32 were for water, tablecloths, sanitary supplies, utensils, name tags, and ice.  Councilmember Hooper made a motion that Councilmember Rowland be reimbursed for the additional expenses for the event, Councilmember Corwin seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
  • Budget:  Mayor Begley noted that $14,000 needed to be moved from line item Streets- Non-Powell to Streets- Powell in the 2016-2017 budget in order to use the carryover balance in the Powell Funds.  Councilmember Hooper made a motion to move the $14,000 to Streets-Powell from Streets- Non-Powell in the current fiscal year budget, Councilmember Corwin seconded the motion, unanimously approved.


  •  Additional Public Comment:  None


  •  Adjourn:  At 7:35pm Councilmember Hooper made a motion to adjourn; Councilmember Rowland seconded the motion, unanimously approved.