Forest Hills Council Meeting 5-7-01

Village of Forest Hills Council meeting

Monday, May 7, 2001

7:00 PM           

University Inn




1.  The regularly scheduled meeting of the Council was called to order by Mayor Irene Hooper at 7:07 PM.  In attendance were Councilpersons Sharon Jacques, Harold Williford and Larry Kolenbrander; Financial officer Carol Pearce; Asst. Financial Officer, James Weir; Attorney, Jay Coward; Clerk, Mary Ann Budahl; and two residents – Dick Iobst and Lee Budahl.




2.  Mayor Hooper welcomed all, and noted that Jean Adams was out of town.  An agenda was distributed.  The previously circulated minutes of the April 2 meeting were approved (Jacques, Williford) unanimously. 


3.  The financial report, distributed by Carol Pearce showed a balance of $60,070.86.  The

report was accepted unanimously (Kolenbrander, Jacques)


4.  Jim Weir reported for the Budget Committee.  He noted that the cost of the financial audit will increase from $2600 to $2700 next year, which he considers reasonable.  Motion to accept (Williford, Jacques) unanimously passed.  Also presented was a contract between the Village and White & Sons Lawn Service to mow and weed-eat portions of South Country Club Dr at $15.00 per hour (same as last year.)  Motion to accept (Jacques, Williford) passed unanimously.  It was noted that Powell Bill Funds can be used for this purpose.


Dick Iobst noted that according to an article in the Asheville Citizen, the anticipated shortfall in the State budget will affect Forest Hills by some $400-$500.


Also mentioned to be included in the 2001-2002 budget was $800 to be paid to the Board of Elections for a voting machine to be used in the November 6, 2001 election.  The Finance Committee will meet again, and the budget will be presented to the Council at the June 4 meeting.  Motion to hold the June 4 meeting at Cullowhee Valley School in anticipation of a larger turnout (Jacques, Kolenbrander) passed unanimously.


Old Business


5.  Copies of the updated lists of residents of Forest Hills, Oak Forest, and Lyle Wilson Estates were circulated.  Several corrections and additions were noted.


6.  Report of the April 21st litter pick-up:  involved were Robert Kehrberg, Harold Williford, Lee and Mary Ann Budahl, Ian Pritchard, David McCord, Dale Brotherton, Jean Adams, Gene Tweedy, and Irene Hooper.  It was noted that other residents have from time to time been seen picking up trash on an informal basis.  Thank you everyone for keeping our community looking proud.


7.  Mayor Hooper reported that she rode in the Greening of the Mountains Parade on April 28.  She noted that some 7000 people were drawn to the Day’s various events.


8.  The Ad Hoc Road Committee was not represented tonight, but Mayor Hooper reported that they are working on naming a Chairman, or perhaps a Co-chair team.  DOT has dumped a load of large rock in the washed-out area on North Country Club Dr, which seems to have alleviated the situation.  Still needing attention is the washout near Ralph Devane’s house.


9.  Greenway Commission:  pending is the naming of two representatives to this county-wide committee to serve with Larry Kolenbrander.  Several names were proposed; Mayor Hooper will follow-up.  The Interlock Agreement has been finalized and signed by Mayor Hooper and Clerk Budahl.


New Business


10.  The next Joint Governmental meeting will be held on May 17, 2001.  Jackson County celebrates its 150th birthday this year, and several events are being planned for each weekend in October, 2001.  It was proposed that the Village of Forest Hills could become involved with a presentation about the history of our immediate area.  Several ideas were discussed.  The third week of September was mentioned as a possible date.  Dick Iobst will follow-up.


11.  Mayor Hooper reported that 15 transactions involving Forest Hills residents were identified at the DMV.


12.  Risk Management insurance coverage:  Mayor Hooper reported there would be no changes from last year.


13.  Harold Williford agreed to file the report for Powell Bill funds.


14.  Mary Ann Budahl stated that she attended a Regional School for Municipal Clerks held in Boone on April 27, 2001.


15.  Sharon Jacques reported that she will be selling her home and moving to Buncombe County in July.  Discussion whether her seat on the Village Council can be filled by appointment or by ballot.  This is to be researched by Attorney Coward. 


16.  Larry Kolenbrander reported that the Planning Board is working with Geoff Willett to revise the subdivision and zoning documents. 


17.  Still pending is ETJ.  Decision made that members of the Council will contact residents of Oak Forest and Lyle Wilson Estates to assess their feelings regarding ETJ, and report back at the June 4 meeting. 


There being no further business, the motion to adjourn (Kolenbrander, Williford) passed unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.


Respectfully submitted, 



Mary Ann Budahl, Village Clerk