Village of Forest Hills
Council Meeting
Monday, August 6, 2001
7:00 PM
University Inn
Present: Councilpersons Larry Kolenbrander, Harold Williford, Joe Rossano and Jean Adams; Attorney Jay Coward, Financial officer Jim Weir, Clerk Mary Ann Budahl and ten Village residents. The meeting was convened by Larry Kolenbrander at 7:06 PM who then announced that Mayor Irene Hooper was ill and could not attend the meeting. He asked that someone be nominated to run the meeting in Mayor Hooper’s absence. Larry Kolenbrander was nominated by Harold Williford and seconded by Joe Rossano. Unanimous approval. The agendas were distributed, and Larry asked for additions to the agenda. He requested that the Planning Board’s recommendation that the map and legal description of the proposed ETJ boundary be added to the agenda. Harold mentioned the need to set the September meeting date.
1. The minutes of the previous meeting of July 2, 2001 were approved as circulated. (Kolenbrander, Rossano) Unanimous.
2. Jim Weir distributed copies of the Financial Report for July. In summary, some $800 was listed as income; and approximately $5000 was paid out for insurance premiums. Joe Rossano asked if these payments could be spread throughout the year. Jim replied that since we are part of a group policy through the NC League of Municipalities, it must be paid all at once. Motion to approve (Kolenbrander, Rossano) unanimous.
3. The slate of candidates who have registered for the November 6, 2001 election are as follows:
Mayor: James Davis
4 yr term councilperson: Richard Iobst
4 yr term councilperson: James Wallace
2 yr term councilperson: Joseph Rossano
2 yr term councilperson: Clarence Pressley
4. The NC DOT Litter Sweep is scheduled for the entire state of North Carolina from September 17 through 30, 2001. The Council will determine when Forest Hills Village will plan their participation at the September Council meeting (not to conflict with Mountain Heritage Day.)
5. Williford reported that the Powell Bill report was sent to NCDOT Powell Bill Program Manager in a timely manner.
6. Mention was made of the Master of Public Affairs degree now available at WCU. Further information regarding this was deferred to Mayor Hooper.
7. New residents to our Village include Charles and Sue Burton of Saxony Lane; Dr and Mrs. Niall G. Mishelsen; and the Jenkins family who have purchased Sharon Jacques’ home. Discussion regarding method of identifying and welcoming new residents followed, with consensus being that this was sorely needed. Motion to appoint Janie Prentice as “Forest Hills Welcomeperson” (Adams, Williford) passed unanimously. Janie asks that all residents alert her of the names of newcomers (293-5830 – home; 227-3316 – work; or so they may be properly recognized and welcomed.
8. Williford reported that the Sewer Feasibility Study agreement indicating the Village Council’s desire to proceed with the study was mailed to the W K Dickson Engineering Firm on July 15, 2001.
9. It was reported that 18 DVM transactions took place last month.
10. Harold reported that the Village’s request to extend the survey currently taking place on North Country Club Drive to include the roadway beyond the five houses at the end of the road was honored. He added that if extended, however, the cost would be increased due to the additional work to be done, should the State indeed take over the road maintenance. Sue Burton, a resident from Saxony Drive asked if that portion of the road could become a one-way road. Larry agreed to speak to Geoff Willett about this; and Harold will check with Jonathan Woodard of the DOT. Harold also described the markings on the stakes for the interest of the residents (the first number being the distance in hundreds of feet from the beginning of the project, and the other flag markers indicating the cut or fill needed to obtain the 45 foot right-of-way.) Question was asked, “Who would then maintain the road?” Answer: the State. Question: Why is South Country Club Drive not being included in the survey at this time? Answer: The interest on South was considerably less than on North when homeowners were polled last year, and the decision to proceed with North was made, since there is no financial benefit to be obtained from doing both sides concurrently. Larry then proceeded to review the steps involved in obtaining state road maintenance.
No progress has been made toward obtaining the traffic light at the intersection of Hwy 107.
11. Motion to request Mayor Hooper to approach Ann Chambers to become the Representative from Forest Hills to the Smart Growth Assessment Committee (Kolenbrander, Adams) passed unanimously.
12. Mention was made of Jackson County’s 150th anniversary celebration activities that are ongoing at this time. Mayor Hooper has already spoken to several groups, and Dick Iobst is preparing a historical prospective he will present during this celebration. We will alert our residents as to the time and date.
13. Larry suggested that the September Council meeting date be changed to September 10 so there would be no conflict with the Labor Day holiday. (Adams, Rossano) Passed unanimously.
14. Larry distributed the proposed ordinance establishing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction for the Village including the legal description and map of the proposed area. He stated that the boundaries are those that were previously determined by Council (basically, ridge-top to ridge-top.) Motion to accept the legal description as proposed (Williford, Rossano) passed unanimously. Larry then described the next steps to be taken: notification of property owners in the proposed area by first class mail, holding a public hearing after suitable publication of intention to hold same, and the vote by Council. September 24, 2001 was established as the date for the public hearing; Council will vote at the October 1, 2001 council meeting. Discussion ensued regarding plans to identify and then notify property owners and an ad hoc committee of Joe Rossano, Larry Kolenbrander, Jean Adams and Mary Ann Budahl was established for this purpose.
There being no further business, the motion to adjourn (Williford, Adams) passed unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:37 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ann Budahl