March 2016

March 21, 2016


The Planning Board meeting for the Village of Forest Hills was held at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 7:00pm on March 21, 2016.


The following members of the Planning Board were present:

Clark Corwin

Nilofer Couture

Jayne Buchanan

The following Non-Planning Board members were present:

Jack Brown, Village Homeowner and Potential Planning Board Member

Stephanie Gibson, Recorder

Kristy Carter, J.M. Teague Engineering & Planning 

  1. Call to order – Nilofer - The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Nilofer Couture. 
  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes from February 22, 2016 Planning Board Meeting – Nilofer -   Board members reviewed the minutes but were not able to approve them since there was not a quorum present.  The minutes will be submitted at the next meeting. 
  1. Approval of Agenda - Nilofer - Members reviewed the agenda but were not able to vote on it since a quorum was not present. 
  1. Administrative Reports - Nilofer & Kristy 

        a)  Workshop Sessions – Kristy corrected the dates and time of the Workshop Sessions from the email that she sent members, she confirmed that  the Workshop Sessions will be held on April 13th - 2:00 – 6:00 pm and May 25th - 1:00 – 5:00, each at the Southwest Commission Board Room.  Kristy noted that since the workshops are four hour sessions, they will take the place of the regularly scheduled Planning Board meetings in April and May and she mentioned that the June meeting is scheduled for June 6th since the Recreation Center was not available the third Monday of June and said that members may want to cancel that meeting since it is close to the date of the May workshop.  Members will discuss the June meeting at the workshop on April 13th

Jayne noted that she will not be available to attend the meetings scheduled June 6th and July 18th

Stephanie will submit the request to advertise the Workshop Sessions in the Sylva Herald. 

  1. Old Business/Unfinished Business - Nilofer 

        a)  Rules of Procedures Amendments – Kristy presented a set of recommended amendments to the Village’s Rules of Procedures, she provided handouts and noted that the “Format for Review of Site Plans/Subdivisions/Zoning” section on page 6 does not include a step for Public Hearings, members reviewed recommended amendments and will discuss further at the next meeting.

        b) Update on the Planning Board Member/ETJ Representative – Clark introduced Mr. Jack Brown, a homeowner in the ETJ area of the village who has expressed interest in becoming a member of the Planning Board.  Members will vote on Mr. Brown becoming a member at the next meeting..      

  1. New Business – Nilofer

        a) Review suggested Planning Board Chair Script – Kristy reviewed the recommended Planning Board Chair Script.    Kristy attached the Chairman Script to the Staff Report and discussed the handout with members present, members reviewed the guide and discussed the general meeting process including how best to make motions, introduce agenda items, and address public comments versus public hearings, she noted that the script can be accepted or changed through general consensus.  

  1. Other – Nilofer 
  1. Public Comment – Nilofer – None 
  1. Adjourn – Nilofer – At 7:45 pm members completed discussion but were unable to officially adjourn without a quorum.