February 2016

FEBRUARY 22, 2016

The Planning Board meeting for the Village of Forest Hills was held at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 7:00pm on February 22, 2016.

The following members of the Planning Board were present:

Clark Corwin

Lee Budahl

Steve Brown

Nilofer Couture

Jayne Buchanan

The following Non-Planning Board members were present:

Stephanie Gibson, Recorder

Kristy Carter, J.M. Teague Engineering & Planning

1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Jayne Buchanan.

2. Approval of Meeting Minutes from January 25, 2016 Planning Board Meeting: An amendment was made to add a motion made at the January meeting to not adopt the Future Land Use Map, the vote was 3/1 in favor of not to passing the map. Steve made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, unanimously accepted.

3. Approval of Agenda: Steve made a motion to approve the agenda, unanimously accepted.

4. Administrative Reports: Jayne & Kristy

a) Confirm remaining Planning Board meeting dates for the year – Jayne – Jayne said that she had checked the dates with the Recreation center and that June 20th, the regular meeting date was not available but they did have June 6th available if that would work for members. Members agreed that June 6th should work; Jayne said that she would notify the Recreation center. Also, she noted that there was no availability at the Recreation center in July and an alternate meeting space would need to be found, Kristy said that she would check with Rose at SCC to see if they had a space available.

b) Workshop Sessions – Confirm dates and Times – Kristy – Kristy discussed potential dates for workshop sessions and noted that Wednesdays are usually good for her and she would be willing to do weekend dates as well. Clark asked members if they would prefer weekdays or weekends, the consensus was that weekdays work better. Members discussed various dates and times and the decision was made to try for April 13th - 2:00 – 6:00pm and May 25th - 1:00 – 5:00, Kristy will confirm those dates and times. She noted that since the workshops are four hour sessions it may not be necessary to have the regularly scheduled Planning Board meetings in April and May.

5. Old Business/Unfinished:

a) Revisit Future Land Use Map for Public Hearing – Jayne/Kristy – Kristy noted the process is for the chair to introduce the topic, Summarize the topic/clarify questions, Open Public Hearing and hear from the public, Close Public Hearing, Discussion/Vote. . Clark asked if there should be a time limit on public comment, Kristy said there could be a limit set, for example 3-5 minutes per speaker or less, whatever the board decides. Meeting Chair opened the Public Hearing at 7:28pm, there was no public comment so she closed the hearing at 7:28, and there was no further discussion so the vote from last month to not accept the Future Land Use Map stands.

6. New Business:

a) Planning Board Member/ETJ Representative Report – Kristy – Kristy noted that she, Clark, and Mayor Begley have had conversations discussing ETJ, Kolleen checked with the county, and Kristy spoke with the county manager to discuss how Sylva does it. Kolleen advertised and a mailing will be going out that Clark prepared to homeowners in the ETJ area. Stephanie will mail those out. Kristy noted that one person had expressed interest but if they person does not decide to serve on the board and there are no responses, the next step is to find someone from the county, they don’t have to be a property owner or live in Forest Hills, but must live in the county and be willing to serve, once found, they submit applications, the information is submitted to the County Commissioners and they 90 days to make an appointment and if they do not, the Planning Board can appoint someone.

b) Rules of Procedure Review Report – Kristy – Kristy following up from the January meeting, had asked if the Planning Board had by-laws and she was told they do not, they have Rules of Procedure. She reviewed them and a couple of questions, the Chair issue is an unanswered question, she noted they have the rotating chair structure and based on last month that seems like that direction will continue for a while, she said there is a clause in the rules that says that you will have an annual organizational meeting to elect a secretary but there is no information to say who is the chair and how does that chair happen, she asked if that was intentional or if there was discussion behind that. Steve noted that the chair issue evolved due to conflicts members had and there was no candidate for a chair. Kristy asked members if they were familiar with the Rules of Procedures, she noted that this will be addressed at the workshops and some time could be spent on review. She said the chair and all members should be familiar with the rules. Clark noted that members should be especially familiar with agendas and meeting orders. Kristy said that she could prepare a script that would formalize the rules of procedure during the meeting; she said she would bring examples from other towns. Kristy asked when the Annual Organizational meeting would take place, she asked members to choose a month so that it could be put on the annual calendar. Jayne asked if it could be done during the regular meetings, Kristy said yes it can be. She suggested that the meeting could be held during the December meeting so that members appointed could begin in January. Members discussed dates and recommended holding the organizational meeting in January due to the holiday. Kristy said that meeting dates need to be posted so the public is aware of meeting dates. Kristy noted that the chair or a contact person needs to be available to address an applicant if needed; she asked if the Liaison would be willing to be the contact until there is a chair, Clark agreed to be the point of contact until the board has a chair.

7. Other: Steve noted that he will be out of town for the meeting in March and in May. Kristy noted that the chairs for the meetings listed will need to move up one month since Steve will be out of town. Kristy said she will send out a revised calendar to members and asked that Stephanie put it on the website.

8. Adjourn: Jayne made a motion to adjourn, Nilofer seconded, unanimously approved.