January 2011
Village of Forest Hills Council Meeting
January 4th, 2011
The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held in the meeting room at the Jackson County Recreation Facility on 01.04.2011
Board Members in Attendance: Clark Corwin, Carl Hooper, Suzanne Stone, Mayor Jim Wallace, Gene Tweedy
Non Board Members in Attendance: Kolleen Begley; Financial Officer, Tammy Tawney; Clerk
Meeting called to Order: 6pm
Motion to approve Agenda; Carl Hooper, seconded, Suzanne Stone, Motion passed 6:04pm
Motion to approve Minutes of December 7, 2010; Suzanne Stone, second; Gene Tweedy, motion passed 6:07pm
1. Financial Report: Kolleen Begley
Budget is at 6 month in Fiscal Year and expenditures are on budget. Three expenditures not included in budget are: $500.40 (police protection), $200.00 (snow removal) and $720.00 (snow and ice melt). Discussion ensued regarding the address for delivery of mail pertaining to Village of Forest Hills. It was decided that all mail addressed to the Village of Forest Hills will go to the P.O. Box for the Village and mail addressed to Mayor Wallace (regarding VFH business) will continue to go to his personal address as it has in the past. Motion to approve Financial Report; Suzanne Stone, second; Clark Corwin, motion passed. 6:10 pm
2. David Moore Attorney, Village Legal Council
Attorney Moore makes a motion that the council closes the meeting pursuant to North Carolina General Statue NCG5143-318.11 A, subsection 3 and subsection 5. Motion to move; Suzanne Stone second; Clark Corwin, motion passed. 6:11pm
Regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills Council is back in session 7:02pm
Citizen attendees were informed that they would be able to talk to the audience and council with a maximum 3 minute time limit. Carl Hooper agrees to monitor time management.
Citizens discussed their questions, objections and opinions of the mixed land use, annexation and alcohol along with the concerns of the parameters for selling it and with the overall changes impact on the environment.
Citizens also questioned recent burglaries in Forest Hills and the need for more police protection. All citizen attendees were given an opportunity to speak. There were questions about the police driving in unmarked cars rather than a marked car.
The question was addressed by Kolleen Begley who has checked with the police in the past and was informed that we (VFH) do not have a choice on the cars used by law enforcement while patrolling the area. It is suggested that someone from the Council contact the Police Dept. and let them know of our concerns. Public address concluded. 7:24pm
Ron Hancock who is Professional Planner in Community Assistance for Department of Commerce and he has agreed to address the Council regarding the role of the Planning Board vs. the role of the Council relative to the letter of intent from WCU. He has 3 dates available which are January 18th, 19th and 20th. This meeting will be a workshop of the roles of the planning board and the council relative to WCU’s letter of intent. This will be an open meeting. Clark Corwin suggests that the planning board attend as well.
New Business
Suzanne Stone requests a motion to move the March meeting to the 2nd Tuesday of March which is March 8, 2011. Motion second, Carl Hooper, passed 7:38pm
Clark Corwin motions to continue today’s meeting to January 18, 2011 second, Carl Hooper, passed 7:42pm
Motion to adjourn meeting Suzanne Stone, second Carl Hooper, passed 7:45pm.
Village of Forest Hills Council Meeting
1.18.2011 continued from 1.04.2011
The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills, was held in the meeting room at the Jackson County Recreation Facility on 1.18.2011
Board Members in Attendance: Clark Corwin, Carl Hooper, Suzanne Stone, Mayor Jim Wallace
Board Members Absent: Gene Tweedy
Non Board Members Absent: Kolleen Begley; Financial Officer
Non Board Members in Attendance: Tammy Collins-Tawney; Clerk
Meeting Called to Order: Motion Suzanne Stone, Seconded Gene Tweedy 6:02 pm
Ron Hancock; Professional Planner in Community Assistance
1. Letter of Intent from WCU/Planning Board Role and Village of Forest Hills Council Role
Questions will be taken after the presentation
The letter of intent asks that the VOFH enter into an agreement with WCU and there are specific tasks that WCU is requesting of the Village upon entering into the agreement.
Ron Hancock, Planner
Four General Tasks in letter of intent:
A. Alcohol Sales
There are very specific guidelines for this task. This is not considered in the role of the planning board.
B. Mixed Use Zoning District Provision
The Planning Board would review the provisions and make recommendations to the Council. The Council would consider the planning board recommendations. The Council would then make their own “statement of consistencies” saying how the proposal benefits the public interest.
The specific provisions in the ordinance are negotiable and will be determined through a series of meetings between the planning board and the council. The council will set the standards for a mixed use district and then zoning can occur.
3. Annexation
If annexation is voluntary the planning board would not play a role. I would be a legislative decision the council would make. A rezoning would then take place and the planning board would give recommendations.
4. Name Change
a. The planning board does not play a role in this.
b. If a petition is received by 30% of the voters regarding the name change, a referendum would be needed. There is discussion on the percentages of the voters on petition.
Open Questions for Planning Board Members from community attendees:
Attorney Moore reminds the council and attendees that; this meeting is informational and nothing formal is in front of the council. This is the first offer in the negotiations and every term is up for negotiation. The community is informed that they are welcome to make their public comment or lobby their constituent outside of this forum, but today is about discussing the process.
Mayor Wallace notes that no decision has been made concerning name changes for Cullowhee or The Village of Forest Hills.
Ron Hancock comments that the time frame can vary. This estimate is based on “Chapel Hill” and their development agreement about 2 years ago. This is the time frame representing annexation and does not include other referendums (like alcohol sales.) Voluntary annexation would take a few months.
Public notices and public hearings will be required.
Ron Hancock says that the planning process will take about a year to complete. It entails looking at what the community is, what it wants to be, and how to get there. During this phase the council can consider the letter of intent. These two items can happen concurrently. They are not dependent on each other. The council should provide the planning board with a work plan and guidelines to work under.
Clark Corwin talks about funding for the project and where the funding help may come from. The Next Steps program could be onesource of funding. They would provide matching funds. Mr. Hancock speculates that a full plan lasting 1-2 years can cost “six figures”.
Some form of response regarding the councils plan should be made to WCU as a courtesy from the board.
Mr. Hancock clarifies that he is providing information only to the council in this phase of the planning process. Mayor Wallace makes the point clear that Attorney Moore is our sole advisor in this matter and will be the sole agent representing the Village with WCU.
Mr. Moore reminds us that this is just the first step and is a long process. Each item of the 4 specifics in the letter of intent “is its own animal” and will be dealt with individually. The Village is entitled to accept or reject any of these proposals. He reiterates that there is nothing formal before the council at this time. Mr. Moore will negotiate with WCU and report back to the council. The council cannot act without public comment. He reminds the public attendees that the council is a legislative body and will act within this scope.
Motion to Adjourn, Gene Tweedy, Second Suzanne Stone, motion passed. 7:48 pm
Motion for closed session Gene Tweedy, Second Clark Corwin, motion passed. 7:50 pm