June 2011
June 14, 2011
The regular meeting of the
The following members of the Council were present:
Jim Wallace, Mayor
Clark Corwin
Carl Hooper
Gene Tweedy
Suzanne Stone
The following Non-Council members were present:
Kolleen Begley, Finance Officer
Leanne Pate, Clerk
Vicki Greene, Southwestern Commission
(1) Call to order 7:00pm by Mayor Jim Wallace
(2) Vote on Agenda. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Gene Tweedy, seconded by Carl Hooper, and unanimously approved.
(3) Approval of meeting minutes for May 3, 2011 Council meeting. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Carl Hooper, seconded by Gene Tweedy, and unanimously approved. (Approved meeting minutes are posted on the Village website.)
(4) Financial reports for the month of May, 2011. Kolleen Begley gave the Financial Report as 11 months into the 12 months fiscal year stating it was still within budget. Kolleen reported that the cash position is still good at approximately $100K. Discussion of minimum balance in the Village checking account, suggested is 8% of annual budget. Kolleen went over a few expenses for the month, including police protection, office expenses, village entrance, legal fees. Gene Tweedy made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Carl Hooper, which was unanimously approved. (Budgets and actual expenses are posted on the Village website.)
(5) Leanne Pate: was sworn in for the position of Village Clerk by Ann Melton, Jackson County Clerk of Court.
(6) Jack Debnam: (appearing as a concerned citizen, and not as Chariman of the Jackson County Commissioners) Gave a presentation on the R5000 DOT project (proposed alternate entrance to SCC campus from Hwy. 107, near SR 1774 “
(7) Vicki Greene, Southwestern Commission: Offers facilitation services to local governments. Discussion of video conference held on June 1. Discussion of vision of the Village, of possible annexations, and of the Millenium Campus of WCU. Discussion of conducting a survey of the citizens of the Village, and how to implement this survey. Vickie addressed the Council again regarding the retreat for the Council members in September.
Village Roads. Carl Hooper addressed the Council regarding Village roads. Discussion of costs to improve the roads in the
CLOSED SESSION: To discuss awarding Village contracts for Entrance Maintenance, Snow Plow, Maintenance of Gravel Roads, Weed Trimming and Drainage system maintenance on non-state maintained roads.
A motion to adjourn was made by Gene Tweedy, seconded by Clark Corwin, unanimously approved.