July 2011
July 12, 2011
The regular meeting of the
The following members of the Council were present:
Jim Wallace, Mayor
Clark Corwin
Carl Hooper
Gene Tweedy
Suzanne Stone
The following Non-Council members were present:
Kolleen Begley, Finance Officer
Leanne Pate, Temporary Clerk
(1) Call to order 6:00pm by Mayor Jim Wallace
(2) Vote on Agenda. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Carl Hooper, seconded by Clark Corwin, unanimously approved.
(3) Financial reports for the month of June, 2011. Kolleen Begley gave the Financial Report as 12 months into the 12 months fiscal year stating it was still within budget. Motion to accept the financial report was made by Gene Tweedy, seconded by Carl Hooper, unanimously approved. Financial report shows a $22K surplus for the fiscal year end, and a $100K cash on hand balance. Kolleen is working with the CPA on the year-end audit and Powell Bill report due to the state by month-end. Budget vs. Actual expenses are posted on the website.
(4) Village Contracts: Discussion of DOT obligations/services of state-maintained road maintenance as to mowing. Jim Wallace to follow-up with DOT as to this issue, per suggestion from resident/Zoning Administrator Mark Teague. Discussion of “preventive maintenance” of all Village-maintained roads. Discussion of what to do about debris cleaned from culverts.
5 Road Maintenance contracts formally accepted (as follows):
1. Monthly Entrance Maintenance – BH Graning
2. Bi-Annual Road Right-of-Way Mowing – BH Graning
4. Ditch-line Pulling/Culvert Cleaning – Green’s Excavating
5. Snow Removal – Green’s Excavating
(5) Approval of meeting minutes for June 14, 2011 Council meeting: A motion to approve the minutes was made by Carl Hooper, seconded by Clark Corwin, unanimously approved. (Approved meeting minutes are posted on the Village website).
VFH minutes 7-12-11 p. 2
(6) Village Roads: Carl
(7) Hooper addressed the council in regards to Hooper addressed the council Hooletters mailed to property owners which requested signatures for the petition to the DOT for assuming state maintenance of upper end of
Crosswalk Update: Suzanne Stone addressed the council about the Hwy. 107 crosswalk. The Dot has delayed the project until October or November of 2011, citing issues with concrete contracting for the safety way.
(8) Stop/Yield Signs: Jim Wallace led discussion of this topic for the intersections of
Mulch at Village Entrance: Discussion of estimate from BH Graning for mulching and replacement of plants. Kolleen Begley introduced discussion of the concept of “Xeriscaping” to reduce time and cost of future upkeep.
DOT Resolution: (as to
At 7:16pm a motion to adjourn was made by Gene Tweedy, seconded by Carl Hooper, unanimously approved.