May 2011


                                                                 VILLAGE OF FOREST HILLS

                                                                               May 3, 2011



The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held in the meeting room at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 6:00pm on May 3, 2011.


The following members of the Council were present:

Jim Wallace, Mayor

Clark Corwin

Carl Hooper

Gene Tweedy

Suzanne Stone


The following Non-Council members were present:

Kolleen Begley, Finance Officer

Leanne Pate, Temporary Clerk

Vicki Greene, Southwestern Commission 


(1)    Call to order 6:00pm by Mayor Jim Wallace


(2)    Vote on Agenda.  Carl Hooper added one item, “DOT and roads,” Suzanne Stone added one item, “DOT and walkway,” and Jim Wallace added one item, “entrance” to New Business.  A motion to approve the agenda as modified was made by Suzanne Stone, seconded by Carl Hooper, and unanimously approved.


(3)    Approval of meeting minutes for April 5, 2011 Council meeting.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Gene Tweedy, seconded by Suzanne Stone.  Jim Wallace questioned item an item under new business which prompted discussion from Al Begley regarding a minor erosion issue.  Discussion ensued on whether or not it was an erosion issue on South Country Club Drive and who should repair it  Discussion of procedures as to when, why, and what types of issues should be brought to the council.  Discussion of parliamentary procedures at meetings.  Jim Wallace made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Carl Hooper, unanimously approved.  (Approved meeting minutes are posted on the Village website.)


(4)    Financial reports for the months of April, 2011.  Kolleen Begley gave the Financial Report as 10 months into the 12 months fiscal year stating it was still within budget.  Kolleen noted that there is still approximately $3,000 due in from Ad Valorem taxes for this current fiscal year,  that the cash position is good at $98K, and then went over the few general expenses for the month.  Jim Wallace made a motion to accept the financial report, which was unanimously approved. (Budgets and actual expenses are posted on the Village website.)


Proposed budget for fiscal year July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.  Kolleen Begley presented the proposed budget.  Kolleen reported on budget committee meeting.  Discussion of required services that the Village provides to the community, including street maintenance and police protection.  Explanation and discussion of road maintenance items, of the importance of preventive maintenance to reduce future repair costs, and of winter maintenance costs.  Discussion of future protection services options, including private services vs. Jackson County Sheriff patrol.  Discussion of election expenses.  Discussion of capital improvements and future town hall.  Discussion of workshops for future incoming council members. Discussion of Village entrance expenses.  Carl Hooper made a motion to approve the proposed budget of $63,750, seconded by Suzanne Stone, which was unanimously approved.


(5)    Vicki Greene, Southwestern Commission:  Offers facilitation services to local governments and addressed the Council regarding the retreat for the Village Council, which could address its functionality as a group.  Discussion about dates in either June or September, decision tabled until June Council meeting.  Discussion of a video conference set for June 1 at WCU for the Council to explore the future of the Village of Forest Hills and the issue of annexation, and to answer any of the Council’s other questions. The June meeting may re-cap this video conference.  Discussion of changes of administration at WCU, of the Millennium Bill, and of what it means for annexation, and of how this may affect the Village. 




Village Roads. Carl Hooper addressed the Council regarding petitioning for state maintenance on the remaining portions of South Country Club Drive and North Country Club Drive.  The state will provide him with an estimate of costs.  The county will cover $4,000 per house towards the project, and the Village would be responsible for any remaining balance.  Discussion of grants or bonds as an option towards the costs. 


Website.  Kolleen Begley addressed the Council as to the potential of the website.  Discussion of work emails for the Council via the website.  Discussion of costs of maintenance of the site.  Discussion of administrators who should make changes to the website. Suzanne Stone and Carl Hooper proposed  future open meeting for website maintenance and navigation.


Ditch Cleaning. Discussion from Kolleen Begley regarding village-wide ditch and culvert road maintenance.  Kolleen obtained quote from Tim Green for $3,200 for the service.  Discussion of where to dispose of debris from the cleaning.  Carl Hooper made a motion for Kolleen Begley to secure Tim Green for this service, seconded by Clark Corwin.  Discussion of issue of multiple bids.  Motion tabled until the Council receives 2nd bid.


Crosswalk.  Suzanne Stone addressed the Council as to the issue of a timed crosswalk across Hwy. 107, at its intersection with Forest Hills, to WCU.  She spoke with the DOT, and Reuben Moore assured her that the funds had been allocated, and that the project was scheduled to begin July1, 2011. 





Council Compensation. Topic to be addressed at the retreat with Vickie Greene.


Resolution to adopt rules. Continued until next meeting.


Open Meeting Law.  Discussion as to whether or not this applies to council members doing volunteer work at the Village entrance



At 7:38pm a motion to adjourn was made by Suzanne Stone, seconded by Gene Tweedy, unanimously approved.