August 2011
August 2, 2011
The regular meeting of the
The following members of the Council were present:
Jim Wallace, Mayor
Clark Corwin
Carl Hooper
Gene Tweedy
Suzanne Stone
The following Non-Council members were present:
Kolleen Begley, Finance Officer, Co-Clerk
Leanne Pate, Clerk
Bill Edward, Realtor
Shannon King, Monarch Ventures
George Stanley, SCC CFO
(1) Call to order: 6:00pm by Mayor Jim Wallace
(2) Vote on Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Gene Tweedy, seconded by Carl Hooper, unanimously approved.
(3) Approval of meeting minutes for July 12, 2011 Council meeting: Leanne Pate noted a correction: was need on item 2 – Vote on Agenda (should read “A motion to approve was made by Gene Tweedy, seconded by Carl Hooper”). A motion to approve the minutes was made by Gene Tweedy, seconded by Carl Hooper, unanimously approved. (Approved meeting minutes are posted on the Village website.)
(4) Financial reports for the months of July, 2011. Kolleen Begley gave the Financial Report as 1 month into the 12 months fiscal year, stating: cash position is good, $31.00 property tax revenue came in, general expenses included insurance, street maintenance, entrance (water). Motion to accept the financial report was made by Gene Tweedy, seconded by Carl Hooper, unanimously approved.
(5) Proposals: Jim Wallace introduced Bill Edwards and Shannon King, to propose potential development of the “
Bill Edwards: Real Estate agent representing the property owner of 19.5 acres off of
Shannon King: of Monarch Development, specializing in student housing. Interested in this tract because of the proximity to the University and area need for “quality” student housing. Intends to invest $25 million in a student housing development in Cullowhee, wants the
encompassing “mini-campus” community with 200 units to house approximately 500 students. The campus is to include a clubhouse, pool, fitness and sports facilities, large study/conference rooms, and more. Is sensitive to concerns about noise and traffic. The main points to promote this project are quality and on-site 24/7 management for safety and interior activities geared toward the student residents. Examples of the project can be seen on the Monarch Development website. Proposes to handle all legal aspects of the development proposition. Benefits to the Village would be use of facilities (cites Village need for a meeting hall), increased tax benefits, sidewalk improvements. Rent pricing to be comparable to those currently available, leased, with sub-letting allowed. Would like to start construction as early as November and requests action by the Council in 30 days. Is willing to come to the next Council meeting and speak to residents.
(6) R5000 Presentation: George Stanley, retired VP and CFO, current capital projects manager, for SCC, and Delos Montieth, DOT Planning Officer, want to provide information about the funding and planning of this project. Major points include: funding comes from many sources, including federal, matched state/county, and bonds; project actually began in 1994; original master plan, for an at-grade road with a red-light, was changed by Raleigh DOT, as it was deemed unsafe due to limited sight distance, and thus overpass was designed. The project is scheduled to begin in March/April of 2012, with 1 year of construction.
(8) Village Roads:
a) Carl Hooper presented progress report on proposed improvements to
b) Jim Wallace presented his progress in regards to the issue of roadside right-of-way mowing of the state-maintained portions of North and South Country Club Drives. He has contacted the DOT, and was informed that the Village is “on the list”, but no time frame was given. He added that he inquired about the proposed stop signs and traffic mirrors, and the DOT traffic engineer Montgomery Ward is to be sent to the Village to investigate the need for these requests.
c) Gene Tweedy discussed proposed road repair issues. He expressed that the consensus of Village residents is a desire for good roads. There was lengthy discussion of road repairs, proposals, and estimates. Discussion of the necessity of repairs to non state-maintained portions in light of the possible DOT take-over.
(9) Village Entrance: Jim Wallace addressed the council in regards to the estimate of BH Graning for repair and maintenance, replacement of trees and shrubs, involving spreading mulch or pine straw, and repairing the water system. Clark Corwin made a motion to approve repair proposal, seconded by Gene Tweedy, unanimously approved.
(10) New Business: Discussion of proposal of Shannon King. Council will expect the information that she is to send to Village residents and add the agenda item to the next meeting. Clark Corwin opened discussion of Council desire to meet with the WCU Chancellor as to Village involvement in the community and annexation. Clark Corwin made a motion to request this meeting, proposing Jim Wallace and Suzanne Stone to represent the Village. Gene Tweedy seconded, motion unanimously approved.
At 7:54pm a motion to adjourn was made by Gene Tweedy, seconded by Carl Hooper, unanimously approved.
(The council was then briefly addressed by film students of WCU about a documentary film, requesting interviews)