March 2009


                                                                 VILLAGE OF FOREST HILLS

                                                                               March 3, 2009



The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held in the lobby of the University Inn at 6:00pm on March 3, 2009.


The following members of the Council were present:

Dick Iobst

Kay Shapiro

Gene Tweedy

Jim Wallace, Mayor


The following Non-Council members were present:

Jim Weir, Finance Officer

Kolleen Begley, Clerk

Carl Hooper, ALT Clerk


(1)    Call to order 6:03pm by Mayor Jim Wallace


(2)    Opening Prayer


(3)    Motion to approve Minutes for the February 3rd meeting made by Dick Iobst, seconded by Gene Tweedy and unanimously approved.


(4)    Jim Weir gave the financial report for the month of February, 2009.  Funds in included an additional $9,687 from taxes and $290 from interest.  Funds out were minimal, $960 going for police protection.  Jim Wallace confirmed that the police continue to patrol the Village.   The budget vs actual for the fiscal year will be posted on the website.  A motion was made to approve the financial report by Gene Tweedy and seconded by Dick Iobst, unanimously approved.


(5)    David Galloway gave the Council a report on the progress of scanning all the Village documents for electronic storage.  All 2100 images yield 20 GB and will fit onto 8 DVD’s .  Total cost was $1,690.00.  A motion to approve this payment was made by Dick Iobst and seconded by Gene Tweedy, unanimously approved.  Discussion continued about how and where to store these electronic documents and their copies.  A motion to rent a safe deposit box to hold these electronic documents and any other pertinent Village items was made by Kay Shapiro and seconded by Dick Iobst.  A motion to approve up to $300 to replicate 2 copies of the electronic documents was made by Gene Tweedy and seconded by Kay Shapiro, unanimously approved.  Dick Iobst commended David Galloway for his efforts.


(6)    REPORTS:


Irene Hooper gave the Council her report on the progress of the Economic Development Commission.  The all day retreat on February 20th was a success.  Mayor Jim Wallace was present at this event.  Irene also announced and acknowledged that Eileen Dillard (a 32-year resident of the Village) passed on

2-11-09. Irene Hooper then made the suggestion to the Council that an email list of all of the residents of the Village be obtained for more efficient communication which could in effect promote more involvement.  It was discussed that a letter will be going out to the residents listing the updated website address for the Village and requesting email addresses from the residents. 


Carl Hooper discussed the Planning Board progress.  They are currently going through the proposed ordinance changes and attempting to schedule 2 meetings per month to work through the changes.  They are still working through scheduling conflicts to set the next meeting date.




The meeting of the Jackson County Solid Waste Board meets at 5:00pm on the second Monday of the month.  Mayor Jim Wallace will not be able to attend but has informed Chad Parker of the Jackson County Solid Waste Office that Kay Shapiro will be there to represent him.


Mayor Jim Wallace brought up an issue with the Village entrance lights not turning off during the day.  Discussion with Alan Begley (electrical contractor) at the meeting about a solution resulted in Jim Wallace asking Alan to submit an estimate to move the sensors.


Mayor Jim Wallace will not be able to attend the April meeting so it was decided that Suzanne Stone will chair the regular April meeting.





The use of Non-Powell Bill funds for trimming all of the Non-state maintained Village Right-of-Ways / road banks was discussed.  RESOLVED; this trimming would be done at minimum once per year the first time being around June, and a second time if needed.  Motion to approve this expense was made by Gene Tweedy and seconded by Dick Iobst, unanimously approved.


Discussion about applying for additional Powell-Bill funds in April to cover maintenance of Cave Springs Road in the Forest Hills Estates area.  Dick Iobst obtained information from Betsy Williams from the NCDOT and explained the procedure to follow in order to apply for the additional funds. Entire road bed on average has to be 16’ by law in order to even qualify for funds.  The residents of Forest Hills Estates will need to give right of way to the Village.  The President of Forest Hills Estates would need to send a letter to Mayor Jim Wallace requesting that the Village of Forest Hills take over the portion of Cave Springs Road in Forest Hills Estates that is 16’ in width on average.  This letter could also state that the residents of Forest Hills Estates would like to see it paved at some point in the future. The Mayor would then need to reply in writing to formally accept this request.


Carl Hooper told the Council that he has a potential Planning Board Member, Olin Dunford.  The Planning Board needs at minimum 7 members, and there are currently 6 members.  Carl will report to Mayor Jim Wallace with a confirmation.


Discussion about defining the next Budget Committee was heard.  Mayor Jim Wallace will appoint the new Budget Committee.



(9)    There being no further business (and no other persons to be heard), a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Dick Iobst, seconded by Gene Tweedy, and unanimously approved.  Meeting adjourned at 7:19pm.