February 2009
February 3, 2009
The regular meeting of the
The following members of the Council were present:
Dick Iobst
Kay Shapiro
Suzanne Stone
Gene Tweedy
Jim Wallace, Mayor
The following Non-Council members were present:
Wes Stone, Zoning Administrator
Jim Weir, Finance Officer
Kolleen Begley, Clerk
Carl Hooper, ALT Clerk
(1) Call to order 6:03pm by Mayor Jim Wallace
(2) Motion to approve Minutes for the January 6th and January 20th meetings made by Suzanne Stone, seconded by Dick Iobst and unanimously approved.
(3) Opening Prayer
(4) Jim Weir gave the financial report for the month of January, 2009. Funds in included $9,000 from taxes. Funds out were minimal for some routine expenses. The budgets will be posted on the website. A motion was made to approve the financial report by Kay Shapiro and seconded by Suzanne Stone, unanimously approved.
(5) Charge to Planning Board – Land Use Plan. This Plan is will be uploaded to the Village website after ordinance revisions are finalized. Mayor Jim Wallace will be presenting charges to the Planning Board at their first meeting on Wednesday, February 4th @ 6:30pm
(6) New Business:
An invoice for $425.00 was submitted for approval to pay to Begley Electric, Inc. for lowering all sprinkler heads to ground level and replacing lamps and broken light fixtures was brought to the table. A motion was made by Dick Iobst to approve payment and was seconded by Gene Tweedy, and unanimously approved.
Irene Hooper discussed Economic Development Commission updates. She also stated that they have open meetings and anyone is welcome.
A motion was made to reappoint Irene Hooper to the Economic Development Commission (her term is up in August 2008) by Suzanne Stone, seconded by Dick Iobst, and unanimously agreed.
Dick Iobst commended Irene Hooper for her service to
(7) Old Business:
The Council commended Village Clerk, Kolleen Begley, for her efforts in bringing the Village website up to date. www.VillageOfForestHills.org
Gene Tweedy asked for confirmation that
There was a general discussion about potentially obtaining some green space in the
(8) There being no further business (and no other persons to be heard), a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Gene Tweedy, seconded by Dick Iobst, and unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 6:51pm.