March 2015
The regular meeting of the Village of Forest Hills was held in the meeting room at the Jackson County Recreation Center at 6:00pm on March 03, 2015.
The following members of the Council were present:
Mayor Kolleen Begley
Councilmember Ron Mau
Councilmember Carl Hooper
Absent: Councilmember Clark Corwin
Councilmember Dan Perlmutter
The following Non-Council members were present:
Stephanie Gibson, Town Clerk
Curt Collins, Cullowhee Farmer’s Market
Linda Kinnear, Cullowhee Farmer’s Market
LeAnn Pate, Mountain Discovery Charter School Chair
Robert & Debbie Rowland, Village Homeowners
1) Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Kolleen Begley.
2) Announcements: 1) The joint meeting for the Council and the Planning Board has been rescheduled and will be held at the Jackson County Recreation Center on Monday March 16th at 7:00pm. 2) The joint meeting with the county will be held on Monday August 03, 2015.
3) Approval of Agenda: Councilman Hooper made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Councilman Mau, and unanimously approved.
4) Approval of Meeting Minutes from February 03, 2015 Council meeting: a motion to approve the minutes from the February 3rd Council meeting was made by Councilman Mau, seconded by Councilman Hooper, unanimously approved.
5) Acceptance of Financial Report & Checklist for the month of February, 2015 Stephanie provided copies of the Financial Report for February. In February, there were expenses of $1,252.90 for Police protection, Administrative fees advertisements, and Entrance operating fees. Revenues for February were $1,775.35 from Sales Tax, and Interest earned. The ending balances in the Money Market, Checking, and Powell accounts totaled $197,998.03.
Councilman Hooper made a motion to accept the financial report; Councilman Mau seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
6) Public Comment: Robert and Debbie Rowland own lots and would like to build a home on one, they asked the Council if they would be able to construct a home less than 2,000 sq. ft.? Mayor Begley noted that they are requesting a variance from the current ordinance stipulations.
Councilman Mau said the request would have to go to the Zoning Board of Adjustments and then come back to the Council. Mayor Begley said the Rowland’s would need to complete an application and return it and then Gerald Green would forward it to her and she will get it to the Zoning Board of Adjustments.
7) 5K MDCS event update: LeeAnn gave an update for the 5K event, she said that everything is going well and that she closed the Sponsorships last weekend. She said that they have received $1,200 in sponsorships. She said that they will have items to raffle at the run and they will have bubble machines for the “Bubble Bunny” theme. LeeAnn said that she had talked with the authorities and Patrolman Matt Wike and they did not feel there would be a need to have patrol manage traffic. She shared that the event signs will go up a week prior to the event as a reminder to residents. Residents can sign up online and if they do not want a t-shirt, there is no charge, if they want a t-shirt, they will need to notify LeeAnn by March 24th, they will be the last day to sign up. Press releases will go out this week. LeeAnn said the money they raise will be applied toward the construction of a pavilion roof on the playground at their school, the approximate cost is $30,000. They will also have a DJ at the race, they will have 3-4 drink stations, they need some tables and drink coolers, the race will begin at the University Inn.
Mayor Begley said that she has tried to contact Judy at the University Inn. The only potential issue may
be parking and LeeAnn said they could shuttle participants if needed.
8) Cullowhee Farmer’s Market: Curt Collins (request for it to be held in Forest Hills behind the entrance sign).
Curt said that this is the 4th season that the Cullowhee Farmer’s Market has been held at the Cullowhee United Church. He noted that there are so many limitations there that it is hard to have a viable market. He noted that the market is held from April through October on Wednesdays from 4:00pm until dusk. The vendors would be similar to those at the Sylva Farmer’s Market.
Curt said that he spoke with the property owner, James Hooper, and he said he would be willing to consider the market for one year, he may develop the property at a later date. Council members can approve to allow the market on an annual basis per Ordinance Section 210 authorizing the Village board to approve festival and events that are of a temporary duration.
Councilman Hooper asked who would bear the Liability and Linda said that in Sylva, Jackson County has their own Insurance. She suggested charging a small vendor’s fee. Curt noted that there are grants available as well.
Curt said they would like to have a grand opening on April 28th, pending the Village Council’s approval and the property owner’s approval. Mayor Begley called for a vote and Councilman Mau made a motion seconded by Councilman Hooper to approve the “Whee Farmer’s Market” to be held weekly in the Village through the season.
9) Reports:
Planning Board: None
Safety: Councilman Hooper said that there was a vehicle stopped for an expired license plate in the village and that there were two males spotted at the water tower that the officer on duty spoke with and asked to vacate the premises. He noted that Ken Dickert said there had been some more issues with four wheeling going on.
Councilman Hooper noted that he contacted DOT and that they will supply garbage bags and gloves for the clean-up after the 5K race.
Mayor Begley suggested putting flyers around the community about the race and sending another mass email out to residents. LeeAnn said they could do that when they walked the village.
LeeAnn said that she has some volunteers for the clean-up, she has some early college students that need to have volunteer hours. Mayor Begley said that she would go with the clean-up crew rather than running in the race.
LeeAnn will attend the April meeting and provide any updates.
Village Roads & RPO Board: None
Jackson County: Councilman Mau said that the Steering Committee for the Jackson County Comprehensive Plan will be held tomorrow. He noted at the last meeting they discussed big ticket items.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Begley noted that she, Councilman Mau, and Councilman Hooper attended the joint municipal/county meeting last night and that one of the main topics was the proposed county fire department tax. Mayor Begley said that if this proposed county fire tax is implemented, each municipality would need to accept or decline it within their boundaries. If declined, the municipality would need to contract directly with the fire department and that the contract amount could likely be the same dollar amount as the tax would yield since it’s based on the fire department’s needs. Mayor Begley noted that she would get further clarification on this from Brian McMahan, the county commissioner chair, at the next Jackson County Mayor’s meeting.
Mayor Begley said to review Rule #23 in the Rules of Procedure for the April 7th public hearing on the ordinance changes. In order for any ordinance to pass, there needs to be a quorum, and the vote on the day of introduction would need to be only between four Council members, and 2/3 (three out of those 4) would be needed to pass or defeat the motion to adopt or amend and ordinance.
10) Unfinished Business:
Proposed ordinance changes: Stephanie will post the notice on the website and in the newspaper about the public hearing to be held on April 7th.
11) New Business
- Cave’s Springs Road – Councilman Mau said he received a call from the Meigs about the need for some gravel on a slippery area of Cave Springs Road.
- Council discussed maintenance and Mayor Begley said that she would contact Tim Green and ask him to go take a look at the road and advise what needed to be done. Councilman Hooper said that we could include the maintenance in the semi-annual gravel scraping, Mayor Begley noted that the semi-annual gravel scraping doesn’t include new gravel. Councilman Mau noted the safety concern.
Councilman Mau made a motion to approve up to $1,000 for gravel if needed, Councilman Hooper seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Budget Committee Meeting – Mayor Begley suggested meeting in May, possibly May 2nd if that works for the committee. Budget Committee participants and meeting date to be discussed at the April 7th Council meeting.
Signage – Mayor Begley asked about signs for the village roads and Council agreed to get 2 – 15mph signs and 2 – slow signs. Mayor Begley said she will get a quote for the signs and for B.H. Granning to install them.
12) Adjourn: At7:35pm Councilman Hooper made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Mau, unanimously approved.