February 2018 (Continued Meeting)

Meeting Agenda
Regular Village Council Meeting Continued
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
6:00 P.M. @ Jackson Co. Rec. Center, Cullowhee, NC
    1. Call to order: Mayor Begley called the meeting to order at 6:00pm

    2. Announcements: Reminder – March 7th Council meeting is Wednesday, not Tuesday

    3. WCU Student Projects: Kaitlin Stines (MPA program at WCU)

                  a.  Project #1: Survey – A draft copy of the survey to residents was reviewed and a few edits made. Mayor Begley will submit the edits to Kaitlin Stines.

                  b.  Project #2: Capstone Project – Cost/Benefit Taxpayer Services – Councilmember Corwin said he would like to see what the cost would be to have a Village manager or administrator for future possibilities. He would like the project to define the cost benefit and how much revenue needs to be produced to manage services. He noted the student would survey other municipalities to review the services they offer and what the model looks like and at what point in growth would the Village need to hire a manager or town administrator? Councilmember Corwin will assist in clarifying the project with Todd Collins and Kaitlin Stines.

            4.  Acceptance of Financial Report & Checklist for the month of January, 2018: Stephanie Gibson provided the Financial Report and noted that the LGC 203 Cash and Investment Reporting and the TR-2 Municipal Certification reports had been completed and turned into the State and Department of Revenue. Councilmember Corwin made a motion to accept the financial report; Councilmember Michelsen seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

           5.  Unfinished Business: Mayor Begley asked Councilmember Corwin about the Planning Board notebooks as previously discussed and he said they would be creating those soon.

           6.  New Business: Councilmember Corwin made a motion for the Planning Board to have a Public Hearing at their meeting in February and that the Council hold a public hearing at the March meeting on March 7th, for text amendments to the zoning ordinance to further clarify “structure height” and to allow flexibility to Section 3.8E(m) on a project-by-project basis, Councilmember Michelsen seconded the motion, unanimously approved. Stephanie will advertise hearings in the paper and on the website.

Mayor Begley mentioned the vacated Council seat by Carl Hooper and recommended that the opening be listed on the website and that councilmembers bring nominations to fill that seat to the next meeting.

          7.  Additional Public Comment: None

          8.  Adjourn: Councilmember Stovall made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm; Councilmember Corwin seconded the motion, unanimously approved.