November 2018
The following members of the Council were present:
Mayor Kolleen Begley
Councilmember Clark Corwin
Councilmember Niall Michelsen
Councilmember Jerry Rice, III
Councilmember Jonathan Brooks
The following Non-Council members were present:
Mark Teague, J.M. Teague Engineering & Planning
Anna Sexton, J.M. Teague Engineering & Planning
Work Session
Call to order: at 6:00 pm Mayor Begley called the meeting to order.
J.M. Teague Engineering: Anna Sexton (update on project list)
Speed limit and traffic calming assessment
Landscape ordinance work with Planning Board
Analysis of current parking ordinance
Assistance with grant identification / writing and the facilitation processes that pertain to better internet & cell service.
Anna provided a progress report to the Council for the on-call contract with the Village. The Village generated the following list of tasks during the August Council Meeting with J.M. Teague:
Village Zoning Map Updates – 100% Complete – The Village asked the consultant to update its official zoning map to change the Cloverleaf property that is currently being developed from R-1 Residential to Mixed Use. The Village went through all required processes with Jackson County and made a motion to rezone those two parcels, thus needed the map updated to reflect the change. An updated map was submitted to Mayor Begley and is now available on the Village website.
Parking Ordinance Analysis – 75% Complete – The consultant reviewed the Village’s current parking ordinance and provisions as well as other local municipalities in the area and provided information to the council at the meeting. Anna asked about ordinance administration, Mayor Begley responded that Ken Dickert is the Village Ordinance Administrator and that Jackson County is the Administrator for Zoning, permits, etc. The Council asked the consultants to verify that the road right-of-ways are documented on Village-maintained roads and the width of those right-of-ways. The Council also asked the consultants to confirm whether prohibiting parking on the road shoulders would be legal for the Village to enforce and if so, does the current parking ordinance as written need amending. Council expressed concern that there may be special circumstances where parking on the road shoulders may be necessary.
The consultants noted that there can be parking easements and release on occasions of inclement weather or other special circumstances written into a potential amendment.
Review & Analysis of Village Paving Contracts – 50% Complete – The Council asked that the consultants review the contract for the most recent paving project completed for the Village by Parker Paving. Results from projects such as the pavement condition survey and speed study will assist the consultant in providing clear recommendations for the development of future paving contracts. Mark Teague said that he would like to look at the pacing specs for the recently completed paving projects to see what was outlined.
Speed Limit and Traffic Calming Assessment – 70% Complete – The Council asked the consultant to look at all roads within the Village and give recommendations on what could be done to further mitigate speeding. The consultant deployed data tubes to collect speeds and volumes and discussed findings. The consultant discussed possible options such as speed humps or rumble strips. The consultant said that the data from the tubes would be compiled into a report and they could discuss options further with the Council at the December meeting.
Mark noted that there was speeding recorded when the tubes were in place and that the Council may want to consider painting a center line on the Village roads. They also discussed putting the tubes in place again, this time on the state-maintained roads to help further determine which option/s may be the best recommendation to proactively curb the speeding issue. Councilmember Brooks asked if Mark could do a cost analysis, he said that he would, he said generally speed humps are in lots of three and are spaced 200 – 300’ apart and run around $2,000. Mark said that Powell Funds may be used.
Pavement Condition Survey – 20% Complete – The Village asked the consultants to conduct a pavement condition assessment that will inform the Council about which areas of Village roads are a priority to address next, as well as recommend a future schedule. The consultant developed an initial review spreadsheet.
Update to Landscape ordinance and Creation of Light Ordinance – 40% Complete – The consultant was asked to assist the Village Planning Board with the review and updating of the existing landscape ordinance. The Planning Board additionally expressed interest in reviewing information pertaining to the density/quantity and intensity of site lighting, duration of run time of lighting components, distribution of landscape plant material/trees, and monitoring sites for adherence to landscaping requirements.
Assistance with Tech-related Grant Identification & Writing – ongoing – Council has discussed with the consultant the need to strengthen internet and cell service for residents. The consultant will assist the Village in identifying and pursuing grant assistance opportunities in the future when defined by Council.
Additional tasks as needed/requested – ongoing – Updating Zoning Ordinance and Code of Ordinances to reflect recently-approved amendments.
Mayor Begley discussed being approached by a food cart vendor interested in setting up somewhere on the corner where the construction is currently taking place.
Mayor Begley noted that the current request is for a food cart, not a food trailer or truck. The vendor would like to set up the cart on a temporary basis for the construction crews on site as well as for the local community in order to evaluate demand for a further permanent basis. Mayor Begley explained that Chapter 6, Sec. 6.1 of the Village Code of Ordinances allows the Council to approve special events on a temporary basis, but that based on advice received from the county, a more specific ordinance should be approved and in place before any permission is granted. Mayor Begley said that she feels these types of vendors could become something to draw people to a central area and that it has the potential to become something unique to Forest Hills. The Council discussed drafting a new Food Cart/Trailer/Truck Ordinance for the Village based on the other area food cart/trailer/truck ordinances already in place, including any seating. Councilmember Corwin said that he would like to see the new ordinance allow for adequate parking per vendor. Mayor Begley added that it should also define the distance required between road and where it can be set up as a means of addressing safety. Mayor Begley and Councilmember Corwin will arrange a conference call with Ashley Hill to discuss a potential future location for the current request.
Council Meeting
1. Call to order: at 7:30 pm Mayor Begley called the meeting to order.
2. Announcements:
Reminder – Please silence cell phones for meeting
Home & Personal Safety Forum will be held January 15th 6p – 7:30p in the meeting room of the Jackson County Rec Center.
3. Approval of Agenda – Councilmember Corwin made a motion to approve the agenda, Councilmember Rice seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
4. Approval of Meeting Minutes – October 2, 2018 Regular Council Meeting: Councilmember Michelsen made a motion to approve the minutes; Councilmember Corwin seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
5. Acceptance of Financial Report & Checklist for the month of October 2018: Stephanie Gibson provided copies of the Financial Report for the Council’s review. Councilmember Corwin made a motion to accept the financial report; Councilmember Michelsen seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
6. Public Comment: None
7. Reports:
Mayor’s Report: (update to zoning map, meetings during the month, ordinance violations) –
Mayor Begley said that she uploaded the updated Zoning Map to the website.
Mayor Begley made mention of one ordinance violation repeatedly reported relating to noise and nuisance of loose dogs and that the Ordinance Administrator had already sent a warning letter of the ordinance violations to the property owner and has now sent another letter with a fee assessed. Mayor Begley noted that the resident has been in contact with the Ordinance Administrator on a solution.
Roads: Councilmember Rice said that there is a dead tree in the woods on the Village-maintained portion of North Country Club Dr. that has fallen and is leaning toward the road causing a potential future safety hazard. Mayor Begley said that if the tree is obstructing the road, the Village is responsible for removing it but if not, the property owner should address it. Council discussed and asked that Councilmember Rice call the homeowner first to see if they were aware of the tree and if they had plans for removal and if not, requested that he contact BH Graning to cut and remove the tree. Councilmember Brooks made a motion to have the tree removed for a cost of up to $250, Councilmember Corwin seconded the motion, unanimously approved.
Councilmember Rice said that it might be a good idea to consider a road sweeper once all the leaves had fallen as they pose a safety issue when the roads are wet and full of leaves.
RPO/TAC: Councilmember Michelsen said that Jackson County Planning organization and transportation advisory council (TAC) met. He said that Sylva has put in a bid for the DOT plan and that they were forming a Steering Committee to guide the pedestrian connectivity. Councilmember Michelsen said that he agreed to be on the committee as a representative for the Village.
Planning Board: Councilmember Corwin said that the Planning Board will be reviewing and working on the tasks presented by J.M. Teague Engineering & Planning.
Village Safety: Councilmember Brooks noted that per request from Council last month, the patrol hours were increased. He said there were no traffic citations on the patrol report and noted that he did not receive the requested 911 report.
8. Unfinished Business:
Signage ordered: Mayor Begley (SCC/NCC road name signage and Caution signage update) Mayor Begley noted that the new signage has been installed.
9. New Business:
Councilmember Brooks gave the Council a summary of the Jackson County Citizens Academy he attended and that he would send out a written abbreviated summary of all the information from the program.
10. Additional Public Comment: None
11. Adjourn: At 8:35pm, Councilmember Corwin made a motion to adjourn; Councilmember Brooks seconded the motion, unanimously approved.