February 2018

Village of Forest Hills
Council Meeting/Public Hearing
Tuesday, February 6, 2018 – 6:00 pm
Jackson County Rec. Center, Cullowhee


The following members of the Council were present:

Mayor Kolleen Begley

Councilmember Clark Corwin

Councilmember Sharon Stovall 

Councilmember Niall Michelsen


The following Non-Council members were present:

Stephanie Gibson, Clerk

Ashley Hill, developer, The Cloverleaf Group, LLC

Josh Freeman, J.M. Teague Engineering, Planning Director

Mike Poston, Jackson County Planning Department Director

John Jelenlewski, Jackson County Planning Department, Senior Planner

Victor Lofquist, Engineer, Lofquist & Associates

Jay Spiro, Real Estate Broker with Berkshire Hathaway

Curt Collins, Whee Famer’s Market

Beau Busby, WCU Administrator and Cullowhee resident

Todd Collins, Professor at WCU

Kaitlin Stines, Student at WCU in MPA program


  1. Welcome / Call to order: at 6:00 pm Mayor Begley called the meeting to order.     

  2. Announcements:

  • Reminder – Please silence cell phones for meeting

  • 2018 Council meeting schedule update (note March meeting is on first Wednesday instead of Tuesday)

  • Vacated Council seat – Carl Hooper

     3.  Confirm Quorum – Mayor and three Councilmembers were present

     4.  Approval of Agenda – Councilmember Corwin made a motion to approve the agenda, Councilmember Stovall seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

     5.  Approval of Meeting Minutes – January 2, 2018 Regular Council Meeting Councilmember Michelsen made a motion to approve the minutes; Councilmember Corwin seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

     6.  Rezoning and Development Proposal: Cloverleaf VMU-CZ Village Mixed Use District – Conditional Zoning – PIN #7559-10-6627 off North Country Club Drive and PIN #7559-10-0788 off Valhalla Road. The request is to rezone the referenced properties from R-1 Residential District to the VMU-CZ  Village Mixed Use District – Conditional Zoning.

     a.  John Jelenlewski, Senior Planner, Jackson County Planning Department (Staff Report).

John provided copies of a staff report from his office on the Cloverleaf Group – Mixed Use Development project and the rezoning application from Cloverleaf Group, LLC.   John reviewed the report in detail and answered questions.  (See Staff Report attached in documents)

     b.  Ashley Hill, developer, The Cloverleaf Group, LLC (Presentation of Rezoning and Development Proposal). Ashley spoke to the group about his proposed development, he noted a couple changes regarding the unit mix and said that the units that were 8 units will now be 9 units in a multi-family pod style with a single unit on the bottom and two townhouses on top. The distance between the buildings was discussed; there should be 30’ separations between the buildings per the Village zoning ordinance. John noted that the distance exceeds the fire safety code. Josh said that the basis for this distance is for single resident lots and is not as relevant for this type of project. Mike said that the maximum number of dwelling units can be changed if approved. Ashley said that a traffic engineer from J.M. Teague will contact the D.O.T. regarding completion of a traffic study to ensure compliance with all D.O.T. requirements if the application is approved. Ashley noted that D.O.T. will have authority on traffic analysis. John noted that in Exhibit C, the list of conditions include that traffic analysis documentation would be submitted before final approval.

     c.  Clark Corwin, Council Liaison to the Planning Board (Planning Board status on Rezoning and Development Proposal). Councilmember Corwin said that the Planning Board reviewed the staff report with John at their last meeting, reviewed that the development proposal met Village zoning ordinance requirements, and a motion was made to recommend to Council that the rezoning request be approved.

     d.  Josh Freeman, Planning Director, J.M. Teague Engineering (hired consultant for Village of Forest Hills, Consistency Statement). Josh provided a brief overview of the Proposed Amendments to the Village of Forest Hills Zoning Ordinance, VMU-CZ ordinance and summarized the Statement of Consistency. Josh noted that a text amendment with a timeframe could be done and the request approved with the conditions outlined.

     e.  Mayor Begley clarified that the approval for conditional zoning stays with the property and not the property owner.

     7.  Open Public Hearing: Mayor Begley (Public Comment signup sheet, set time limit per speaker)

Cloverleaf VMU-CZ Village Mixed Use District – Conditional Zoning

Todd Collins spoke asking if residents of the Village could pay a fee to use a pool if in the new development, Ashley said that could be discussed when the time arises. Todd asked about the timeline for the commercial space, Ashley said that he can’t guarantee what will go in the space but they do not want it to be idol, it is the best part of the property. If the rezoning request and development proposal is approved, he would begin taking steps to see what could come in to the space.

Beau Busby asked who would pay the property taxes for the development and Ashley said that his company would be as sole property owner, they are not intending at this time to subdivide or sell lots.

     8.  Close Public Hearing: Mayor Begley closed the public hearing.

     9.  Vote: (majority to pass)

      a.  Motion to adopt Consistency Statement that Cloverleaf VMU-CZ Village Mixed Use District – Conditional Zoning Rezoning is consistent with the Village’s Guiding Land Use Plan & Future Land Use Map.

Councilmember Corwin made a motion to adopt the consistency statement; Councilmember Michelsen seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

       b. Motion to approve Ordinance 020618 - VMU-CZ (Cloverleaf VMU-CZ Village Mixed Use District – Conditional Zoning). Amend to include flexibility for space requirements between buildings. Councilmember Corwin made a motion to approve the ordinance as amended; Councilmember Stovall seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

    10.  WCU Student Projects: Dr. Todd Collins, Political Science & Public Affairs at WCU

       a.  Project #1: Survey – Todd discussed the survey to send to all Village residents with Council and distributed a draft copy. Kaitlin will mail and email the surveys. Todd asked that Stephanie send him a copy of available Village residents email and addresses. Mayor Begley said that for the sake of time, Council could review the survey and email Todd with any questions, changes or additions. Mayor Begley noted that the Council could meet next Tuesday, February 13, at 6:00pm at the Recreation Center to continue the meeting. Todd said he will have a draft prepared for the meeting on February 13.

       b.  Project #2: Cost/Benefit Taxpayer Services – to be discussed at the meeting on February 13.

    11.  Resolution to adopt the Smoky Mountain Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update (See Resolution in agenda package, view plan at: https://www.jacksonnc.org/emergency-management.html)   Mayor Begley asked for a motion. Councilmember Michelsen made a motion to accept the Smoky Mountain Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan; Councilmember Corwin seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

    12.  Unfinished Business: Mayor Begley said that B.H. Graning had submitted a recommendation to add mulch to the entrance. Councilmember Stovall made a motion to approve for B.H. Graning to add mulch to the entrance, up to $1200; Councilmember Michelsen seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

    13.  Adjourn: Councilmember Corwin made a motion that the Council meeting be continued on February 13, 2018 at 6:00pm; Councilmember Michelsen seconded the motion, unanimously approved.